Outreach Ministry

Outreach Ministry

My name is Naw E. Htoo (Junna). I currently live in Michigan, USA. I grew up in a Christian family. My parents are Christians and I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 15-years-old. But, I came to really know the Lord seven years ago. Before knowing the Lord, I went to church every Sunday, took communion regularly, gave a tithe to the church I attended, and led praise and worship and so on—like I was in a religion or a tradition. But God is good all the time. He drew me out from religion. He showed me that He had bigger and better plans for my life. Now that I realize there are many differences between head and heart knowledge of God, I have never looked back. I’m so excited to see where He leads me and what He has in store for me in an outreach ministry!

I have an outreach ministry dream to spread the good news, of salvation to the ends of the earth. My outreach ministry dream is to always be completely available to go where and when He decides to send me. I do have a burning heart to be a witness in my family, in my community, in my country and to the ends of the earth. My deacon ordination will help me serve the Lord anywhere on the earth. I know God has a plan for me in this. He is training me for ministry work. Especially, I believe God is going teach me a lot of unbelievable revelation through the classes at Chrisitan Leaders Institute (CLI).

I was very happy when I heard about Chrisitan Leaders Institute from a friend of mine. CLI has given me the opportunity to study and learn in the comfort of my own home. Plus, finding the time to go to school is a challenge to me as I’m also working full-time. So I also cannot attend an on-campus Bible school. CLI is an online Bible college that gives me a great opportunity to have a good quality Bible education for my dream.

I prefer to be an evangelist in outreach ministry because there are so many people who do not know yet Jesus Christ as their Savior. I am sad for them being lost. I do not want them to go to hell. My heart is burning to say that and to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them. My husband has the same ministry dream, so it is a blessing to have his support in this. Also financially, it helps as I have an opportunity to study without cost at CLI. Christian Leaders Institute is immensely important to my ministry dream by encouraging and supporting me to continue on to reach my goal.

Please pray for me to be filled with the Spirit and to receive His power so that I might be a witness for the Lord. And pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will guide and lead in my ministry.
May He give me strength and resilience and a zeal like the disciples to pursue my ministry and to offer everything to the Lord. To God be the glory. Amen.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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