Ordination and Ministry Training at CLI
I am Michelle Weatherspoon from Indiana, and I am studying at the Christian Leaders Institute for ordination and ministry training (Learn more about online Bible classes, Click Here). I served four years in the Army and got a Bachelor of Science degree and paralegal certification. At the age of seven, I received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and baptism. As an orphan, I had a challenging childhood. But, the Lord was always in my heart, and he never left me or forsook me.
As a person with the experience of being an orphan, I was humbled when God blessed me with my four children. I was so excited because I could raise them to know our Savior and living Redeemer Jesus Christ. Jesus gave me a family.
Kingdom Building with Ordination and Ministry Training at CLI
God called me into the ministry in my early 20s. However, I wanted and needed to gain experience and build my relationship with Christ Jesus. In my journey to find and really know the Lord, I overcame many challenging and difficult obstacles. The obstacles only drove me closer to God and to seek closeness with Him.
I began to hunger and desire to be more proactive in God’s Kingdom Building on the grassroots level. So, I pursued the ordination path to make my calling and election sure by studying with CLI. The Lord made a way through CLI and blessed me to get a quality education. The sound teaching at CLI supports the work I did in years of studying His amazing and Holy Word. If it were not for the scholarship class that allows me free tuition, I would not have been able to do it. I praise the Lord for blessing me with this opportunity at CLI!