Ordained Senior Pastor

Ordained Senior Pastor

My name is Marcus St.Julien and I am called to be an ordained Senior Pastor. I currently reside in Woodbridge, Virginia, which is less than an hour outside of Washington D.C. I’m a 25-year-old Worship Director. I am married to my beautiful wife Patience and we’ve been married for almost three years. We currently have a son and we have a daughter on the way. I’m the product of a family full of pastors, ministers, and teachers. It has been my foundation since birth to be surrounded by the Gospel. I have a degree in Audio Engineering and Music Business which I still use in ministry with Worship. Both my wife and I are currently in full-time ministry. I’ve been in full-time ministry for the last six years and love every second of it.

I’m going to use the training I receive at Christian Leaders Institute to continue to further my walk into ministry. I’m scheduled to become the ordained Senior Pastor of my family church within the next two years and I want to be equipped and prepared on the side of Biblical study and sound doctrine. I’m looking to be equipped with all the necessary tools to be an effective leader in the body of Christ.

This scholarship will help me by making all of the tools available at a minimal to no cost. Being in full-time ministry is a sacrifice which makes it hard to be able to afford many of the for-pay programs. It’s also a great help with scheduling due to having a family and a ministry. It’s awesome to be able to access Chrisitan Leaders Institute at any time and anywhere.

Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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