Ordained Officiant Training

Ordained Officiant Training

Join today and receive free ordained officiant training. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using the free Ordained Officiant Training to answer his call from God.

I am God-fearing man who loves the Lord and the word of God. My mom raised me in the church. As a matter of fact, my entire household was spiritual as I was growing up. I was saved and baptized at 12 years. My mom had received a few prophetic proclamations on my life that I would become a preacher and pastor. As I was growing up, I also received confirmations of those very proclamations but did not know how to handle it and where to begin. In 1997, I re-dedicated my life to Christ and gave up everything that would hinder my walk with God. I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, a few months after re-dedicating my life. I was on fire for God many weeks afterward. It was an awesome experience. I am married to the most beautiful woman in the world to me of almost 13 years. We have been together for 16 years. Together we have 3 handsome, smart and intelligent boys (Jontrell -15, Jordan -14, and Joshua -12), who also love the Lord with all their heart. My oldest son loves to read and study the bible almost daily for long periods of times. They have all confessed Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior and have been baptized approximately 4 years ago. I am a Civil Draftsman/Designer and Inspector. I also currently am the President of F.A.I.T.H. L.I.O.N.S. (Fathers Alliance Inspiring Tomorrows Hopefuls to be Obedient through Necessary Sacrifices) Community Outreach which is a youth organization, I started along with 3 other fathers who wanted to coach and mentor kids with the philosophy and giving them spiritual guidance, mentoring, athletic training, academic help and standardized test preparation. Those 3 guys that helped me start this organization are no longer apart of the organization, but God has to give me the charge to continue on mentoring, ministering and coaching. We reach over 150-200 kids in the Baton Rouge area, by offering sports, tutoring, study-hall, Bible study, various outreach activities, etc. I am also founder and director of my ministry that God has given me, Kingdom Advancement Center, which is in its infant stages, however, I did begin a summer program this past summer which will continue this year.

In 1997, I re-dedicated my life to Christ and gave up everything that would hinder my walk with God. I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, a few months after re-dedicating my life. I was on fire for God many weeks afterward. It was an awesome experience. I am married to the most beautiful woman in the world to me of almost 13 years. We have been together for 16 years. Together we have 3 handsome, smart and intelligent boys (Jontrell -15, Jordan -14, and Joshua -12), who also love the Lord with all their heart. My oldest son loves to read and study the bible almost daily for long periods of times. They have all confessed Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior and have been baptized approximately 4 years ago. I am a Civil Draftsman/Designer and Inspector. I also currently am the President of F.A.I.T.H. L.I.O.N.S. (Fathers Alliance Inspiring Tomorrows Hopefuls to be Obedient through Necessary Sacrifices) Community Outreach which is a youth organization, I started along with 3 other fathers who wanted to coach and mentor kids with the philosophy and giving them spiritual guidance, mentoring, athletic training, academic help and standardized test preparation. Those 3 guys that helped me start this organization are no longer a part of the organization, but God has to give me the charge to continue on mentoring, ministering and coaching. We reach over 150-200 kids in the Baton Rouge area, by offering sports, tutoring, study hall, Bible study, various outreach activities, etc. I am also founder and director of my ministry that God has given me, Kingdom Advancement Center, which is in its infant stages, however, I did begin a summer program this past summer which will continue this year.

My ministry goal is to become the Pastor God has called me to be, to live out my purpose for being. God had called me to the ministry over 10 years ago. He poured into me daily. I use to be up countless hours at night studying and reading the Bible, cross-referencing scripture with Greek and Hebrew. I had bought different translations of the bible a couple of Strong’s concordance, and other text books. I wanted to attend Seminary but just could find the time to go. I had a burning desire to fulfill my call. Preached my first sermon in 2001. I had accumulated enough sermons in the span of 6 – 8 months to probably preach for a year and a half. But, things got slow for me and I didn’t know what to do next. Well in June of this year I sincerely answered my call and God has opened up several doors for me as He had been preparing me. I have a strong desire like never before to do His will. I believe this calling is to study Ordained Officiant Training. Since September, I have ministered 3 times locally and two weeks ago, I ministered at the Hearts of Fire Conference in Atlanta to a group of youth.

This Scholarship at CLI will help me to become more astute and profound in the word of God. It will give me a great opportunity to be taught by some elite instructors through this online course study so that I may elevate my knowledge of the word of God and biblical principles that I may be able to effectively and precisely preach the gospel of Jesus Christ without compromise or doubt, that by the word of God, those who I minister to will be drawn to God by the gospel, thus helping me not only achieve my goals but most importantly achieve the goal of the gospel. I am looking forward to my journey through Ordained Officiant Training. 

On becoming an Ordained Officiant, I believe that it is a privilege and honor to be a representative of God carrying out God ordained mandates for kingdom purposes and for the glory of God. It is not just a duty, but I feel an obligation as one who is called of God to accept this specific calling of an Ordained Officiant who can carry forth kingdom principles on earth and to execute and exemplify through demonstration what God expects and commands of us to bring Him glory. I pride myself on trying to do everything decently and in order with excellence through the working and help of the Holy Spirit who leads and guides us into all truth. It is, therefore, with gratitude and appreciation to be chosen of God as a vessel whom He can use to set in order and execute the various ceremonies and services as needed. I truly believe through my humility, love for people and being faithful to the call, am able to uphold the office of an Ordained Officiant.

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