Ordained Ministry Calling

Ordained Ministry Calling

My name is James Babatunde and I have an ordained ministry calling. I’m originally from Nigeria but reside in the state of Georgia, USA. I met my beautiful wife Alicia in 2007 and we got married in 2009. We are blessed with four kids, Jonathan 14, Gabriel 7, Josiah 5, and Princess Azariah 2. Our foundation is God first before anything else.

During my teenage years in Nigeria, I lived a carefree life and indulged in worldly ways such as drinking, sex and partying. Having been brought up in a Christian home, I felt a deep guilt inside and gave my life to Jesus Christ and joined the local church and choir. Years went by and I was approached by three pastors from different Nigerian states. They told me I’m called to be a pastor. I moved to the United States in 2004 and was told by three other pastors from different cities that I’m called to be a pastor. It doesn’t stop there, a prophet also confirmed my calling and that of my wife’s, that she shared with me few years prior, that a Pastor told her that she has the gift of healing. We thank God for reaching out to us through His children, even though we aren’t perfect or understand what was God thinking in choosing my wife and I. One thing stands out, He is our Father and we are His children. Nothing will stop our love for Him and we will reach the ends of the earth proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior. Even though the road looks dim and cloudy, His power moves inside of us and we will share His love with all His children. The devil will bark and is actually barking, but we will bite and BITE HARD with the word and power of God.

My wife and I are leaders and founders of Speak Out Ministry, led solely by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is an online Non-Denominational Ministry that preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the World. Knowing I have an ordained ministry calling in my life, my goal is to deepen my knowledge. I’m presently pursuing to be ordained and also further my pastoral education at Christian Leaders Institute. I’ve come to love and understand the heart of this school. And I know and believe that God is working to raise up His Armies and Soul Winners through Christian Leaders Institute, that will move the very foundation of this Earth with God’s word. I personally want to thank God for Christian Leaders Institute, you all are changing lives. God bless and strengthen you all.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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