Ordained Minister Training

Ordained Minister Training

My name is Corey Robert and I am receiving ordained minister training at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in the United States of America. I grew up in a Christian household and independently dedicated my life to Christ as a teenager. It was at the age of 13, I felt called into being a worship leader.

My wife and I have always had a passion for worship. Both of us grew up leading worship through music in our church as well as churches we were a part of throughout the years. When we received our first staff position as worship directors at a church, it was there I began to fall in love with learning on a deeper level a strong theological view of who God is and what He has called His Church to be. Thus began my journey at the Christian Leaders Institute for ordained minister training. We had a strong belief that no one should have to go into debt to receive a strong seminary education. My passion to pastor and care for my worship team has grown to the point that I know for them to grow, I must also grow.

Doing ministry in the USA has its very own unique challenges. One of the biggest I would say is a culture of acceptance of everything and an attitude of “it is what it is.” The USA is a country that in many ways, has everything. We are so fortunate compared to other countries yet ironically, we may be one of the most dissatisfied countries. All that said, as Christians, as ministers, and as people, being a Christian in the United States requires a different kind of courage. It is the kind of courage that requires you to be incredibly secure in your identity in Christ as well as the ability to simply speak up. Oftentimes, our culture accepts every belief system except for the only one that really is life changing.

What I loved about this getting started class at CLI was that it is foundational in understanding God and the Bible from a 10,000-foot view. It gave me building blocks to take with me into future courses. Because of this class, I feel like I am able to reevaluate my life and the way I view God. I feel like I have more confidence in sharing these fundamental principles with others also.

The reason I want a scholarship is simple. I crave learning but I also believe in wisdom. Wisdom to not put my family in debt, but the passion to want to know how to better preach the Gospel, study the Word, and connect with Christ. Anytime I learn I put it into practice with what I say on stage at my church. I also have a best friend who would like me to marry him and his fiance so I will absolutely be taking the ordination courses.

I am excited to share the Christian Leaders Institute with others as I continue to benefit from its amazing resources. Thank you for providing this opportunity!

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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