Ordained Minister Courses

Still Walking with God

My name is Tim Alvis, residing in Jacksonville, Florida, in the USA. I am taking the ordained minister and ministry courses at the Christian Leaders Institute to become an ordained minister.

After working for the Railroad for forty-three years, I retired and renewed my walk with God. I never left God’s presence in all the years since answering the salvation call at the Church of Christ in Cincinnati, Ohio, at the age of thirteen.

My Journey

My family always had morning prayer and Bible reading. I learned to read using the King James Version, which helped me to learn proper English. My sister and I took turns reading a chapter every morning. When Dad was home, we received lessons in the meaning and philosophy of Christian Life. This continued through high school and into college.

When I was in high school, Christian doctrine guided my life. I felt very deprived while I watched other students enjoying their growing-up years. Meanwhile, I was studying and learning to play violin and other stringed instruments. However, later, I learned that by obeying my parents, I missed a lot of problems the others had with alcohol and drugs. Several of my fellow students died in auto accidents because of alcohol.

More About My Family

My grandfather, who taught me to ride a horse when I was young, died while I was in junior high. I found out that all those stories he told as a Texas Ranger were true. I wish I could remember them now. He also was an Elder in the Christian Church, and I am sure we will meet again. I also learned that my great-grandfather was a circuit preacher around Austin, Texas. Therefore, my grandfather helped in several revivals. My father spent many months with Morris Cerillo and became an ordained minister and associate paster at Bethesda Christian Church here in Jacksonville.

I met my wife, Roberta, on a blind date while in the Service. She was a student at the same high school and grade I was, but we never even saw each other. We have been married fifty-four years, and our children are grown and doing well. They also have been taught to walk with God. Raise them up in the Lord, and they will do well. My wife and I also helped raise our grandchildren while their parents served our country. They have received salvation at a young age as well and have missed many of the pitfalls of the devil, which plague today’s youth.

Ordained Minister Courses at CLI

Now that retirement gives me more time, I am interested in the House Church Movement. Our House Church, Holly Oaks Community Church, ordained me as an Elder. Further, I host Wednesday evening Bible studies at my house and occasional Sunday Services when Pastor Chris is busy with his Air Condition Business. He told me of your ordained minister courses at CLI. So I am enrolled to become an ordained minister to help him and provide backup whenever and however needed. I feel a strong call for this and hope it leads to even more in God’s work.

Register a Study Account

Register for a free study account, automatically enrolling you in the Getting Started Class at the Christian Leaders Learning Platform. The Getting Started class will take you less than an hour to complete.

When you log in to the Learning Platform, you will notice that the Getting Started Class automatically appears on your dashboard.    

The Getting Started Class will orientate you to the Christian Leaders Learning Platform and the Programs offered, including:

  1. Ministry Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas with the Christian Leaders Institute.
  2. College Degrees with the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.
  3. Minister Credentialling (Ordination) with the Christian Leaders Alliance, including local Soul Center registration possibilities. 

Note: You can enroll in tuition-free courses or mini-courses immediately without finishing the getting started class.  

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