Ordained Chaplain

Ordained Chaplain

My name is Dale Gilbert and I am studying to be an ordained chaplain. I live in Waterford, MI. I came to the Lord in 1980 at a small church in Royal Oak, MI. I grew up going to church but church really did not get into me until then. After being prayed for one night when I was ill and feeling the power of God flow into my body and heal me, I told God, “If this is you, I want to know more about you.” So I sat under the ministry of that church for 10 years, learning to walk in faith and the Word and The Holy Spirit. I got involved in kids’ ministries there as well and grew in my desire to be in the ministry. After those 10 years and prompted by the Spirit of God, I went to another church to be their kid’s pastor. That is where I met my wife and we stayed there for a few years.

Then after that, I felt once again to do a change and that was to go on the road and be an evangelist for kids and teens. My wife and small kids went with me, and we traveled across the USA and parts of Canada for ten years doing camps and church meetings as well as mission trips. It was during this time that I got my first ministry credentials from the Assemblies of God after attending their Berean School of the Bible. I am currently and have been for the last 11 years the Director of Elementry Education and Children’s Pastor at a local church. Now, I am desiring to take more of an adult ministry role and am seeking ordination and Chaplain training to take the next step of my journey. That is where the Christian Leaders Institute comes in as it can help me to achieve my ordained chaplain dream that God has put in my heart.

Now, I am desiring to take more of an adult ministry role and am seeking ordination and chaplain training to take my next step of my journey. That is where the Christian Leaders Institute comes in as it can help me to achieve my ordained chaplain dream that God has put in my heart. (Learn more about Studying the Bible, Click Here)

Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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