Online Pastor Training

Online Pastor Training

Join today and receive a scholarship towards pursuing Online Pastor Training and being a part of the spread of the Christian revival. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers the ability to earn a scholarship for high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual, anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using the scholarship for pursuing pastoral training. 

My name is Diana Elston. I live in the United States. I am the Senior Pastor of Word In Seasons Ministry Family and Life Center and Founder of Glory Productions, an avenue by which the Gospel is orated in the form of skits and stage plays. I was born in Hammond, Indiana and at the age of 13, I found myself captivated by the word of God. I grew up in a non-Christian home, and going to church was something as children we did only on certain holidays. But my mother had this extra-large Bible that she would keep open on the table to the 23rd Psalms. I would read it, but little did I know God was planting seeds that would one day help give birth to ministry. I excepted the Lord at the age of 21 but prior to my surrender life was difficult and I found myself going down the wrong road. Now, every chance I get, I share my testimony with as many young people as I can. I became involved in ministry serving, as an usher in the house of the Lord, from there I served in the mission ministry helping homeless and those in need. To this day, I strongly believe in being a servant leader.

After moving from Atlanta, Georgia to Virginia the vision that the Lord showed me regarding the ministry was birth in my home in 2005. I believe the Word of God is the foundation that we should build everything on. It has the power through the workings of the Holy Spirit to transform lives. That is the reasoning behind the name of our church. As an outreach ministry, I desire to serve not only those that are within but those that are without. The Bible says, “And Jesus went about doing good.” I believe we should do the same. As time progressed I felt the need to work full time in the ministry, but the type of work I did would not allow me the time I needed to do so. Refusing to take a salary from the ministry, but yet wanting to support the ministry financially, I took another leap of faith and started my own childcare in my home called, “Created Minds Christian Home Child Care”.

I’ve been married for 16 years to my husband Anthony, who has been my greatest supporter in life and ministry. I love spending quality time with my family. I have two daughters with wonderful son in-law’s, seven grandchildren and one great-grand.

In every generation, God has raised up individual for the purpose of sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom. This generation is no different, I believe that this generation will usher in revival on a level of which we’ve never seen. It is our responsibility to equip them with everything they need. God has blessed me to have a church that is 75% youth. I was told by some pastor’s that I couldn’t grow my church with the youth. They were looking at it from a monetary standpoint. But I’m looking at it from a spiritual standpoint, God in which is the supplier of it all. Therefore, I invest heavily in my youth. I see myself as the Moses generation which must raise up Joshua to take the people over into the Promise Land. I don’t have much, but what I have I freely give to the ministry in which God has called me to that include future leaders. I will take the teaching I’ve learned from Christian Leaders Institute to help them and anyone that needs help fulfilling their purpose in God.

Even though I am a pastor I’ve had no formal seminary training. I know I will greatly benefit from CLI’s online pastor training. In my early years as a minister I was taught the word in various classes I took on my own. I remember praying and fasting asking God for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of His word and He has done so. Still, because of my passion for the word, I pursued any other training I could, which included reading a countless amount of book and commentaries. My favorite authors are Watchmen Nee, Dr. J. Vernon McGee and Pastor David Jeremiah.

When we started the ministry, it was a great financial price we had to pay with no outside help, and we willingly did so, but it impeded my ability financially to attend Seminary. Even though I’ve studied for years in the word, outside of my scope of ministerial associates, I’m not looked upon as creditable because I have no formal training. And as I stated earlier I have a young congregation with young ministers that I want to be an example to in every area of my life. Obtaining my degree at Christian Leaders Institute through the online pastor training, will help me further my learning, help others and satisfy a longing I’ve had for years, which up until now seem financially out of reach.

Check out more stories about CLI students pursuing online pastor training education and becoming leaders in Christian ministry on the CLI Facebook page

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