Online Ministry Training in Switzerland

Online Ministry Training in Switzerland

Join today and receive a scholarship for free online ministry training. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using her scholarship to study online ministry training in Switzerland and to answer her call from God.

I am currently living in Switzerland and attending an English-speaking international church which is made up of people from over 40 different countries. There is a large international community around Geneva and so we are focused on reaching out to them. Ministry here is very transient as people tend to come here on a short-term basis. Coming from so many different transitions, cultures and backgrounds have its challenges but it is amazing how we learn from each other and use this to our advantage in furthering God’s kingdom.

I came to know Jesus a little over three years ago at this same church. I had just moved to Switzerland and was going through a very difficult time when I met some missionaries who attend my church. There was clearly something different about the way they loved people and I wanted to know more so went to church with them. As I began to learn about Jesus and read the Bible for myself I experienced some deep healing from things I had been going through and gave my life to Christ.

My ministry dream is to be able to show the love of God and to disciple others the way that others have shown me his love and discipled me. I have experienced a lot of difficulties in life and I would love to be more effective at reaching out to other hurting people.

This class has been a really good foundation to the training and has deepened my awareness of how to form reproducible, faith formation habits. I did not grow up in a Christian household and so the teaching on family devotional times was something I am so thankful to have learned! I currently and a youth leader and run the youth activities for the younger youth (11-14) at my church

I was given the opportunity to preach at my church for the first time a few months ago. People had been telling me for a while that I should consider full-time ministry but until the evening I first preached I wasn’t so sure. I was really nervous, but the second I stepped up and began talking I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Nothing fills me with so much joy.

I live in a very affluent area and therefore many people see themselves as not having a need for Jesus as they already have everything they need. There is a sense of taking the freedom to practice our faith for granted. Coming from a church with many denominations, cultures, and languages also has its challenges.

I became a Christian when I opened my very own Bible for the first time and read about the healing power of Jesus. Every time I read the Gospels, I find myself transported back to that moment when I first gave my life to Christ. It refreshes my spiritual walk.

My church has been my cheerleaders from day one! They are the most encouraging and supportive group of people I have ever met and I am so thankful for them! They really have become my family! I live in Switzerland alone, my parents are back in the UK and they have had a harder time understanding my desire to go into ministry until they recently listened online to a sermon I had preached and they called me to tell me they wanted to support which was an amazing thing to hear!

Ministry training is something I have been looking into, but there was just no way I could have afforded it! I live in Switzerland, this has completely become my home. With CLI offering online ministry training in Switzerland, I am able to stay here in my home. But it is a very expensive place to live and I really struggle financially. CLI also means that I can stay serving at my home church and don’t have to move away from the ministries I love and my church family who support me in order to receive training. Please pray for peace and being able to assess priorities as I undertake this online ministry training in Switzerland. 

Check out more stories about CLI students becoming leaders with our online ministry training in Switzerland and much more on the CLI Facebook page

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