Online Ministry Training

Online Ministry Training

My name is Jonathan Robert Gambrel and I am thankful for Christian Leaders Institute’s online ministry training. I’m from the USA. While we do have many advantages, a big stumbling block is the abundance of misinformation regarding God’s Word. I grew up in a Christian family and went to a Christian School so I have always known the Lord. I fell away from the faith while I was in high school, but by the grace of God, the right people were placed in my path to lead me back and strengthen me in the faith.

My ministry dream is to be available for anything that the Lord God may see fit to lead me into. I currently help out at my local church and handle the live streaming there. So even there, I will benefit from this training. This online ministry training class has helped to focus me and remind me of the things that are truly important. As for what word I identify most closely with, Small Group Leader currently may be most applicable to me, but this could change over time. I wouldn’t say one key experience has led me to this place in my life, it is more a combination of my personality and interest/need to learn. This coupled with my time around other strong Christians in my life has left a lasting impact.

Applying the Bible to my life has changed absolutely everything. The Lord God Almighty has placed me in the job I am in, helped me to find my wife, brought two wonderful kids to us whom we adopted, and the list goes on. Without God, my life would not be what it is today. My local church is very supportive of me pursuing my calling and is willing to help me in any way possible, they are a great blessing to both myself and the rest of the community. My family will benefit as I learn to better guide and train them in the ways of God’s Word and even help me in my endeavors as we are very closely knit. Pray simply that God’s will be done in my life.

To learn about minister ordination go to Christian Leaders Alliance.

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