Online Ministry and Bible Training


My name is William Wangombe, from Kenya. I am taking online ministry and Bible training at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about free ministry and Bible courses online, Click Here).

I grew up in a family where my late mother was a believer. She led me in knowing Christ and accepting Him as my Savior when I was 14. It was a great experience and the Lord has been gracious to me through my childhood, my youth, and now as an adult. He has fought many battles for me and made me more than a victor.

My Spiritual Dream

My spiritual dream is to do mission ministry work. I want to bring more people into the Kingdom of God and to the realization of who God is and what He can do in their life. I want people to know that they have a place in the Kingdom of God and a way to achieve that through Jesus Christ. Reaching out to souls at all levels, children, youth, and adults, I want to give them hope in their spiritual, social, and economic spheres of life. I want to promote the Gospel of Christ.

Therefore, I am currently in a church program where we deal with children from the Mukuru Kwa Njenga slums in Nairobi. There, I volunteer as a school patron. We enroll these children in the church primary school, feed them, and supply them with stationeries and other items. It is very fulfilling for it touches even the lives of generations to come.


I have faced various obstacles in life. In the year 2016, I lost my seven months old daughter, which left my young family heartbroken. To see a bundle of joy taken from us was not easy. It took the grace of God for us to overcome the grief. God gave us the courage to walk through this tough situation. Furthermore, He provided people that gave us a shoulder to lean on.

During my childhood, there were many events that humbled me to realize that I needed Christ. My mother was a prayerful woman, and I experienced God answering her prayers in a very unique way. She prayed for our healing and provision, and God answered. It made me desire to know God more and more. Therefore, God became very real to me.

Online Ministry and Bible Training at CLI

I hope to use my Christian Leaders Institute online ministry and Bible training in proclaiming the Gospel from a point of knowledge. I believe that the training acquired at CLI will help me in properly handling issues concerning people and God. Then, I can share the Word of God and reach as many souls as possible for the glory and honor of God.

Christian Leaders Institute training is necessary for me. Now, I have the opportunity to get trained after a long search due to financial constraints. I will gain knowledge of the Word of God and become effective in the Lord’s vineyard. As a leader, I will be able to guide, administrate, and evangelize from a point of knowledge.

I am very excited to be in the Christian Leaders Institute as a student. My heart yearned for training and here it is! Thank you! There is so much to be trained on, which will be of great impact in the Kingdom of God, to the glory and honor of God.

Steps to Sign Up At Christian Leaders Institute

Step 1 – Register for a free study account that automatically enrolls you in the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2. 

After you register, you will automatically be enrolled in the “getting started” course. You will locate the course at your “home” button when logged in. Scroll down to find the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2 Link. Click the link and open the course.

Step 2 – Complete Part 1 of this course. Then you can enroll in mini-courses or regular courses. 

The Christian Leaders Getting Started Class Part 1 shows you how to enroll in courses and mini-courses. Part 2 of the course connects your calling into ministry with programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute. Part 2 will offer some ministry training and introduce you to the other programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute.

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.