Online College

Online College

My name is Diana Walker and I am taking classes at Christian Leaders Institute a free online college. I am a born-again believer in the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am a mother of five children and the grandmother of 4 little darlings. I am an entrepreneur and I own a hair salon where I have the pleasure of making people look and feel glamorous while spreading the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. At an early age, I started singing God’s praises in Spirit-filled songs and worship for the Lord. I was saved at the age of 20 when two soul winners for Christ stopped by my apartment and led me to the Lord.

I am currently ministering at Saint Paul Baptist Church under the direction of my Pastor Dexter D. Mims where I am an Associate Minister while also singing in the choir and teaching the adult Christian Education Class. I answered my call to preach in 2011. Led by the Holy Spirit in September of 2014, I moved to Knoxville, Tennessee, and in July of 2016, I was licensed to preach the gospel at my current church.

My ministry dream is to become a Pastor. I am passionate about compelling lost souls to experience the breadth and height of God’s love. This class has helped me in so many ways, it has held me accountable in searching the scriptures and growing in my relationship with God. I have found a new sense of strength and confidence in who I am and who God has called me to be. I love to shout the praises of Jesus and I am so excited to be a part of Christian Leaders Institute. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to attend this free online college. This online course has already been a blessing to me and I have learned a great deal. I have had many challenges since starting this class like being hospitalized for one week, but I have learned to push my way through the many challenges I have been faced with since starting this class.

Obtaining a scholarship with CLI will help me to accomplish my ministry dream of Pastorship. I feel it necessary to pursue this online college course of study in order to be equipped to lead God’s people. 2 Timothy 2:15 says to study to “shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Studying at CLI will help me to do just that. This will allow me to continue the path to becoming a Pastor and carry the great mantel God has called me to carry.

My church and my family and friends have been very supportive in my decision to go to Bible college. My Pastor has been urging me and all of the ministers at my church to go to school to be sharpened and built up for the race ahead of us. I am happy I have made it this far despite the arrows thrown at me by the enemy. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store as I continue this journey with CLI. Thank you so much.

Learn about minister ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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