no cost ministry training

How No Cost Ministry Training Benefits Many

What does “no cost” ministry training with Christian Leaders Institute mean? By “no cost,” defines the word free. There are no catches or payments needed later in training to keep taking our classes. Your ministry training is provided at no cost from the beginning of your training to the end. We offer multiple classes for one to strengthen their ministry with different levels of achievement. You simply go until you are satisfied. Go all the way with our no cost ministry training to receive a Diploma of Divinity. The level of achievement is yours and only you will know when you feel satisfied in your training.

Everyone called into ministry can benefit from the use of a no cost ministry training school. Read the testimony of one CLI student who has found his place among our many students enjoying their training with our no cost ministry training school!

CLI Students Prosper With A No Cost Ministry Training School

Hi, my name is John Moffeit II. I am 30 years old, and I live in the United States. In this country, we are suppose to be quite free to do ministry, although “authorities” sometimes still try and find ways to hinder us. The religious freedoms we enjoy here are certainly being threatened, but for now we are still for the most part free to do ministry.

I grew up in church and thought that I was a pretty good person. I had a mere head knowledge of Jesus, but I didn’t have a relationship with Him. The summer after high school, God brought me to a low place in my life. During this time, it came into my mind (of course it was God) to pick up the New Testament that I had been given years earlier and to read one chapter a day. As I did this, God began to deal with my heart, convicting me of my sinful, lost condition. He opened my eyes to see that I had never repented, that I was lost, and on my way to hell. For the first time, I understood why Jesus came and who He was. I understood that He died for me on the cross. I needed to believe on The Lord Jesus Christ and be saved! So close to the end of reading through the N.T., one night, alone in my room, I got down upon my knees and called upon the Name of The Lord! That night I was born again; PRAISE THE LORD!!!

My ministry dream is to “do the work of an evangelist” (2 Tim 2:5), and to enter into the Lord’s work in a greater way. I feel that The Lord is leading me and stirring me up to equip myself in a greater way for the plans He has for me in the future. I don’t know where He will lead me yet, but my goal is to follow His call by better equipping myself, and to follow Him wherever He leads me. I know that God has called me to Preach His Word, and preach it I must! I could see myself possibly joining an evangelistic ministry as an evangelist, or being a gospel street worker, or even possibly ministering in another country. We’ll see where God leads! God has put a fire in my bones to preach His Word, and I do preach at a nursing home once a month along with a few other opportunities that I sometimes get. But through various ways and means He has showed me that He wants me to serve Him in a greater capacity. He has put within me a “woe is me, if I do not preach the Gospel!” conviction and earnestness. As I have tried to be content with less, God has showed me that He wants to use me more!

One unique challenge in my area is that most people are so comfortable that they think that they don’t need God. Another challenge is that many people go to church as a weekend ritual and think they’re okay with God because of this (like I used to think), but haven’t truly been born again. These somewhat religious ones are quite difficult to reach. They see themselves as “good” and think that a mere intellectual accent to the Truths of Christianity is the same as being saved. Also, since most people grew casually hearing about Jesus, many of them take Christianity for granted, and don’t recognize the precious, priceless treasure that Jesus is!
My local church supports me by using me to preach in the Nursing Home ministry, to teach at Vacation Bible School, to go preach in a yearly Young People’s Bible School, and to preach in our main services from time to time. My wife also supports me wholeheartedly. She strongly encourages me to head in the direction that God is leading us. My wife and 3 little kiddos always go with me to the Nursing Home too.

A scholarship at CLI is very important to me because I see the need and benefit of getting some necessary training from here. Seeing how I work full time with a wife and 3 kids, going to a normal Bible School is not an option. The schedule wouldn’t work for us, nor do we have the money for it. But I am very excited about the training and courses at CLI. I know that it will help me to be more well rounded and better equipped. I can’t wait to enroll in my next class! Please pray for me that I will fulfill God’s call on my life, and be able to say with Paul, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course…”

Join CLI And Gain Access To Your No Cost Ministry Training

If you are looking for a no cost ministry training to fulfill your calling in God’s army of leaders, then look no further! Click here to register with CLI today! Begin training immediately! Check us out on Facebook and like our page. God bless!

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