New Zealand Ministry Call


New Zealand Ministry Call

Read how Albert Psaros is finally able to fulfill his New Zealand Ministry Call 

My name is Albert Psaros. I live in Pukekohe, a small town on the outskirts of Auckland, New Zealand. I am an active member of my local church congregation, St. James Presbyterian. I enjoy serving in any way I can. Currently, this entails worship leading, youth mentoring, Sunday school programmes and in hospitality initiatives.

I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home where the word was elevated and esteemed and where we as children were actively encouraged in developing our own relationship with God. I was only 6 when I put my faith in Jesus for my salvation. Shortly afterward, I was baptized.

These treasured events remain in my memory and I still reference them as the start of my walk with the Lord. I soon grew intimate with the Lord and very early on I came to hear the call of the Lord on my life. This New Zealand ministry call remained with me throughout my entire life, and it would be something I would yearn to fulfill but would only feel released to pursue many years later.

As a way of preparation for this New Zealand ministry call to service, the Lord has allowed my wife and me to endure severe testing which has spanned the last ten years. We felt led to start a business that would ultimately become a 24-hour cycle operation, 6 out of 7 days per week, with weak economic performance despite every possible effort and sacrifice. We did all this while still trying to raise 5 young children. It became a walk that only by God-given grace we were able to endure. Stripped of all confidence in my own abilities, the Lord used this time to rid me of my pride (I realize this may not be in its entirety and that His work in me continues throughout my life). Simultaneously, He was showing me what it means to trust in Him and to worship Him in the worst of situations. If it were not for His grace, I know we would not have made it through. But we have and at the end of this season, I felt released to close the business and to start pursuing the call on my life.

This free training at Christian Leaders Institute is the only way that I can get myself equipped for ministry through study. We were left in a poor financial state when the business was closed. I thank God for this opportunity. My prayer is that through this study I will be taught by Him and that I will be able to show myself approved and ready for service.

Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

1 reply
  1. nireekshana
    nireekshana says:

    praise JESUS!

    Greetings to you from India in the blessed name of our precious Lord Jesus Christour King.Amen.Hallelujah.i find out you online website by His grace.Hallelujah. This is the Lord Jesus humble servant Pastor Nireekshana
    your brother in Christ loves you from India.
    My name Nireekshana means Hope.

    I am born again Indian Christian and committed my life and our family for the
    Glorious ministry of the Lord JESUS CHRIST OF FULL TIME GOSPEL WORK and doing the Lord’s
    Ministry among the unreached tribals,hindus,muslims and for the lost
    souls to win them for the Lord Jesus Kingdom.Amen.

    I went through your online website BY THE GRACE OF THE LORD.
    Glory to our KING LORD JESUS CHRIST for your great work for the Lord’s Kingdom.Hallelujah.
    Our prayers are with you.please we need and would like to have also your prayer fellowship
    in Christ love..

    All we are the family together/fellowship in Christ love through HIS BLOOD SHED
    RELATION.AMEN.And awaiting for His coming back to get His children/Saints to be
    with Him very soon.Amen.
    i would like to join with you for the conference and worship the LORD.
    Glory to JESUS our KING Almighty.Amen.
    i am looking forward to hear from you.

    we proud of you and grateful to you and praise JESUS for you.

    With much love and faithful prayers IN HIM our KING JESUS ALMIGHTY.
    May God bless you and be bless the Lord ministry
    with you abundantly and guide you for His Glory
    our COMING KING ALMIGHTY.AMEN .Hallelujah.

    Your brother Lord JESUS humble servant
    Pastor.Nireekshana rao (Hope)
    Mobile number:9949399672.
    Calvary Grace Ministries
    Andha Pradesh India.
    loves you from India.
    Have good day and blessing days for you.Amen.

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