New York City Ministry Training

New York City Ministry Training

New York City needs more trained Christian Leaders. Christian Leaders Institute provides a New York City ministry training option for those seeking ministry. This free training option will mobilize more leaders for revival.

Here is a story of a called leader in New York City.

I live in the United States of America, New York City. We have a multitude of cultures, religions, and people here. This presents an issue at times, but being raised Catholic, studying many religions for most of my adult life, I find that by meeting people where they are you can spread the word of God. New York Urban Ministry can be challenging, but with the Grace of God, my mentor, I will praise the Kingdom of Christ unto all who wish to hear and accept it.

The Lord has always had his hands on me, and I give thanks for this. I came to the understanding of Gods grace, and Jesus Christ being the only way to heaven when I humbled myself and let go of ego. Being born again and following the holy spirit so much has been revealed to me and my calling to serve the Lord has grown immensely.

I plan to continue my urban, street ministry with the continued education I will receive from Christian Leaders Institute. And God willing will open up my church where the less fortunate, those in need can come and find shelter. I plan to receive my associates and bachelor degree in Divinity.

I identify with Minister, as I believe I am called to minister the word, the comfort, the love of God to the lost.

I grew up in very tough streets of Brooklyn, NY. Our family was very poor, but my mother always kept food on the table and kept Jesus Christ in our hearts. Being subjected to drugs, violence, killings in the streets of Brooklyn, I became calloused and distanced myself from God throughout the years. Being in the secular world drained me, hardened my heart and yet God didn’t take his hands off of me. With all my sin, and evil ways he loves me. Coming to this understanding brought me to my knees and repented with tears in my eyes. Now I only seek to be of service to God and to his children, which is all of humanity.

The challenges I face in my area is the many different religions practiced, as well as meeting many atheists. I believe more than ever Jesus Christ is needed for so many who are lost in the secular world of their reasoning. The Bible must be shown with greater vigilance and fervor. I am ready to his call and will continue to be a soldier of Christ.

My church has given me a home where the Holy Spirit reigns, and my mentor has taught me the mercy, love, and power of the Bible. I know God will open every door for me when I am ready to expand my ministry and I know my church and mentor will support me along this journey.

My family is my strength from my three children to my mother and brother. I lost my father three years ago, and though it was devastating, it brought me closer to God and my faith in his word and promise.

The scholarship at CLI, will allow me to fulfill my dream of earning my Associates and Bachelor Degree in Divinity where before because of financial strain I couldn’t. From taking care of my children, my mother also trying to afford a degree at a seminary was impossible until now. Thank you CLI and may all the glory be to God!

Please pray for me to remain focused on Gods mission in my life and to continue as Christ’s warrior in the battlefield of life. Also that I may be of service in any way possible under God to help those who are less fortunate, and in need.


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