New Ministry Direction

New Ministry Direction

My name is Thomas Moore, and I am seeking a new ministry direction for my life. I live in the United States of America. At 56 years old, I have decided to push my interest and curiosities into gear. After living what feels like several lives, I have decided it is time to look into things I enjoy and am interested in.

I am a veteran of the USAF. I have two wonderful, successful daughters. Both are college graduates. I am a divorced Catholic. Over the years, I have been at the high end of the income level and where I still was not poor enough to receive assistance. I am a published children’s author. My careers both involved training of some sort. When I assist others in reaching their goals, I also receive a blessing. I enjoy public speaking and have been told I am a good speaker. Someone told me that I have the kind of voice that will put one at ease and to sleep. Is that good? Maybe, I hope.

Free Ministry Training Journey

This free ministry training journey at Christian Leaders Institute will guide me in enriching the lives of young people. I want to encourage others from children to young adults. Right now, there is a huge need for guidance within the youth. It is heartbreaking to see the emptiness or even anxiety and fear in the children’s eyes. If someone would step up and just say, “Can I help?” or “Is there anything I can do for you?” could make a big difference. Young adults need a place to bounce ideas around and hear that they aren’t the only ones going through what they are feeling. I have felt rejection, fear, anxiety, anger, and misguided hate. I was in and out of my church. Sometimes, feeling embarrassed to go knowing what I had done or a way I was living.

Am I to be a Pastor or a Deacon? Or a mentor or a counselor? I am not certain yet. Through, God’s word, His great love for me, and learning to hear His call, I hope to get new ministry direction.

Please pray for me, my CLI friends, as I will be praying for you!


Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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