My Name is Paul Manda, was born in 1987 from a Roman Catholic family, I am a Malawian but moved to South Africa in 2011, since I have been here been sharing the word of God to deferent kinds of people more especially to the youth, most kids in the community are very dangerous in such a way that the stand in the corners robbing people with knives, I did a little research on the kids I use to minister too, and I found out that most kids luck parenting and they are easily influenced by peers, so they join little gungs smoking and doing drugs, teenage pregnancies, and other kinds of sins, it’s been a challenge ministering to these kinds of people in this country.
My father was too mobile when I was still young and they saw that it was going to be very hard for me to go to school so was sent to stay with my aunt in the city, I grew up in a Pentecostal family who helped me to live a good life, and for so long I thought I was saved by looking at how I was living, I was a faithful church member, and I was part of ushering in the church, hearing the word of God everyday did not change the fact that I was unsaved until one Sunday in 2005 when the message was being preached I felt the conviction that it’s not by my works but by the grace of Jesus, I gave my life to Christ that day, I then attended a beginners class at our church and got baptized after the classes.

My dream ministry is that I reach out to everyone with the gospel without fear and with the full knowledge of the word of God, but more especially to the youth, both here in South Africa and my home country Malawi, to be able to open a charity center to help those who are in need, and be able to be a parent to many orphan children who lucks the parent love.

I remember at high school my very first time to preach to my classmates, people started calling me Pastor Paul, some people even came to me for a spiritual advise, even after high school I helped a family that was about to divorce, I shared with them the word of God prayed for them and led them to repentance, they still call me pastor, yet some people consider me to be a youth leader because of my passion and effort I put on ministering to the youth, for three year my church has put me as a director of the youth.

People still comes to me to help them when they have issues in their families or their personal lives, because of luck of the knowledge in ministry it has never been easy, that’s when I was compelled to pursue ministry so that I should gather more knowledge to be able to assist those who need assistance through me.

The community I live is a small area, but churches are almost on every corner making it very easy for ministry.
The church does not know that I am studying, but my pastor knows and he encouraged me, he told me that he had seen a calling in me and he was about to tell me that I should go to a bible school to study.
My family has taught me a lot and supported me when I was weak in my spiritual life, they prayed for me and encouraged me in every way they could, they shared the word with me and through them I realized my calling.

A scholarship will help me a lot since though I am working, but I don’t earn enough money to pay for tuition fees at a bible school, also considering the fact that I am not in my home country, it’s never easy for me to raise that money for fees, through this scholarship I can be able to study and continue ministering effectively without any setback.
Pray for me that God should use me more for the salvation of many people, especially the youth because there is a high number of youth dying, and they die without knowing the Lord.

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