I am BOLUTIFE Adeoluwa Kehinde (formerly OGUNDEYI Adeoluwa Kehinde). I was born on the 31st of March, 1981, in the city of Abeokuta, the capital of Ogun State, South Western Nigeria in the great continent of Africa. I am the last born in a family of 9. I have six siblings who are all married. I am single. I hold a B. Tech. in Computer Science from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, south western part of Nigeria. I began my walk with Christ around the age of 16, after a saving encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ during one of our weekly Bible studies at Deeper Life Bible Church. Thereafter I was baptized in water by immersion and immediately enrolled for follow-up classes-a training class for new converts. And since then, I have been following and growing in the faith of the Son of God.

After my conversion experience, I suddenly discovered a strange passion within me to get all men saved! I often questioned myself, “Why should anybody be lost when Christ had died?” I also had an unusual passion to see the sick get healed, and miracles take place, whenever I came across people in such needs. As I grew in faith I discovered that God had called me to be an evangelist. So right from my high school days on, I have been involved in preaching the gospel, especially in villages where the people are mostly idolaters. Although the part of the country where I live has much of the gospel presence as a result of missionary labour and church revival, many villages are still neck-deep in idolatrous practices. My ministry dream is to proclaim the gospel in places where it is needed, to gather souls into the Kingdom of Christ with great signs and wonders. I want God to use me as He used Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and Pastor W.F Kumuyi, in the proclamation of the gospel of Christ.

After my first degree, I signed up for the work of the gospel as I was convinced God would have me do. So I wrote a letter to my church for acceptance into full time ministry, but the leadership said there was no money for my financial support. But I told them that it is primarily not for money, but the fulfillment of the call of God on my life. Some family members and friends saw my decision as a strange one and tried to talk me out of it. However, a few friends and family members believed in me and promised to support me in their little way. So I have been involved in gospel works, doing the work of an evangelist both by personal involvement and in partnership with the body of Christ, to take the gospel to the villages. I also do this through Christian publications. And I hope one day I will take the gospel to the nations of the world, like Reinhard Bonnke, especially in nations where the gospel is presently being resisted.

My passion to obtain Christian training beyond church training has led me to apply for foreign Christian scholarship since I left the university. But all of my efforts have proved abortive! But now I thank my Lord Jesus for bringing me across CLI in my search for ministry training! What a wonderful experience going through the Christian Leaders Basics Certificate at no cost! May the Lord Bless this institution for this great offer! It is not common!

By the grace of God I believe this ministry training will be instrumental in making me an effective minister of Christ and an agent of revival in the Body of Christ and the world at large. The training will also help me in training others for the work of the ministry. Having a scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute will afford me the great privilege of having sound ministry training under seasoned Christian leaders at no cost! This I believe will transform me into an effective and more productive minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, in the face of growing philosophical arguments against the Bible. Do pray for me that God will continually fill me with His Holy Spirit and raise sponsors for me to spread the gospel.

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