Samela Signoria Sotuku-Panya
The Fountain of Life Prophetic Church South Africa

My name is Samela Panya, I was born in South Africa by 2 African parents. I am a wife and a mother of 3 children and a teacher by profession. I have a Bachelor Degree in Education in 2002 from the Nelson Mandela University. Currently, I have 2 adult children in university.
I am a married woman with 3 children. I am a primary school teacher. In South Africa, Queenstown, Christianity is well embraced and that is why I got the opportunity to spiritually grow fast and be exposed to many Christian values that I had to uphold and own. I am a born-again Christian and I received Christ in 2001 at the Word of Faith Christian Centre and was baptized after 6 months of taking Baptismal-classes. I served in my local church as part of the church intercessors for 2 years, then I was later trained on apostolic leadership.
Having completed the training, I served as one of the advisory committee members in the Apostle’s office. One day whilst in the church service, I had a vision. In that vision I saw thousands of women walking in rows, they came towards me and in the vizion I was interacting with a voice of someone I couldn’t see. I asked him why those women were coming towards me and the voice said, “they are here to listen to you for I have given you a message to pass to them. Then whilst I was surprised, the vision stopped. I carried this vision for 5 years without giving it attention. I continued to serve in my local church until one minister prophesied to me confirming the vision and that it shall come to pass so I needed to prepare myself.
In every church I visited, no preacher or minister closed the service without giving me the same word confirming the vision. This made me to start focusing on my calling. I was later exposed and given pastoral care duties in the absence of my leader, the Apostle of the church. This cultivated the internal hunger to serve the Lord even more.
My agenda with the Lord is to “Seek and Save” the lost back to our “Abba” father. I am blessed to say I am a pastor at the Fountain of Life Prophetic Church.

Being a school teacher made it impossible to afford tuition/study fees in order to get formal ministry training with an award and a certificate. I therefore decided to look through the internet and search for help and by the grace of God I found myself in the CLI website. I couldn’t believe it. I had to stop and pray, thanking God for honoring His word that says, “my steps are ordered by Him”, indeed “the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord”.
CLI, thank you for this divine opportunity that you have afforded me free of charge. You are like a bridge that connects me to my spiritual dream and more.
Ndibamba ngazo zozibini !!

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