Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Read the story of Robbie Ware and his introduction to the Lord, a mentoring youth pastor, a music ministry and ministry training at Christian Leaders Institute:

My name is Robbie Ware and I am involved in music ministry for my Lord. I grew up in a typical blue-collar American home. We went to church on Sunday mornings and occasionally on Sunday night. However, there were no obvious outward signs of a Christian life at home. We lived within walking distance of the church, and as a middle-schooler, I occasionally walked to and from Sunday services. Six days before my twelfth birthday, in a Sunday morning service when my parents weren’t there with me, I responded to a traditional altar call with a friend from school. When I arrived home, I did not tell anyone anything about my decision. My mom found out when the pastor called to congratulate her. When she asked me why I had not told her, my response was that I was not sure what she would say.

The conviction my parents felt due to my response changed my family. From that point, we began to attend church whenever the doors were open. My parents were seen regularly praying and reading the Bible at home. My dad became a deacon and I watched all of my brothers come to Christ over the next few years.

When I was fifteen, a bi-vocational preacher moved into our town. Within a few months, he was serving in the role of the youth pastor. It was during this time that I truly began to grow and serve the Lord as I was mentored in ministry and life by this youth pastor. At seventeen, I recognized a call on my life. The only thing I had any confidence in was my musical ability and the guidance of my mentoring youth pastor. He taught me to read my Bible, pray for wisdom, and fill a need when I saw it.

Growing up in rural America, church-based ministry opportunities were not hard to find. There were so many small congregations looking for something “fresh” from a music ministry that is willing to come at no cost but a love offering. Our youth pastor trained us for ministry and music ministry in just that way. We traveled all around, singing, preaching, and serving anywhere they would allow us.

Through the following years, in an attempt to follow the direction of my parents and pastors, I completed some coursework toward licensure/ordination. I served in several volunteer/bi-vocational roles within the church. However, none ever seemed to fit what I felt was my calling. I have been blessed to have the opportunity to continue using my musical ability as part of outreach and worship ministry. Faithfully spending time in the Word and prayer has been essential to weathering the storms and challenges of life. God has always proven Himself faithful. I am thankful that His mercy is new and fresh every time I repent and renew my commitment to spend time with Him. He is always there. He is always faithful.

As I pursued other educational opportunities, I found they were interested in indoctrinating students with denominational views and came with a huge price tag. I am grateful that God has led me to Christian Leaders Institute. It is refreshing to see a school with the vision and passion of CLI. I look forward to paying it forward as a Vision Partner for many others to follow the legacy being built at CLI.

During the “Getting Started Class” I have been challenged to rethink my life, ministry, and career. I have had to determine how to better balance a ministry and career. Though I do not see myself as a traditional pastor within a local congregation, I see myself pastoring those walking the path I have already walked. I am currently developing and integrating the appropriate technologies to help music ministers, in small congregations or small settings, be more successful. I am committed to receiving the proper mentoring and education required to add the credibility needed to be effective in ministry wherever the Lord opens a door.

It is my prayer that CLI will continue to grow in influence, broaden its academic offerings and continue to prepare revival leaders for successful ministry. In return, I ask you to continue to challenge me, spur me on in my growth and pray that I would have wisdom.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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