Motorcycle Community Chaplain

Motorcycle Community Chaplain

My name is Philip Head, and I am called to be a motorcycle community Chaplain. I am 68 years of age and from the Duchy of Cornwall in Great Britain. Here I am, Lord!

Once upon a time, Britain was a Christian country, but that has changed. Many laws here embrace sin. There is also much opposition to Christianity, to the Name of Jesus Christ, and the truth. Many are readily pulled away to paganism and other forms of idol worship. There is a need for people grounded in the true faith and the Word of God. Christian Leaders Institute is enabling me to grow in knowledge and stature, and developing the structures necessary for God to use me better.

My Journey to God

As I grew up, I went to an Anglican Church. I sang in the choir, played the church organ, and served on the altar (not all at the same time) – but I was far away from God. In my 20s, I became a Roman Catholic and was indeed an excellent Catholic. But my lifestyle was one of sin. I was far from God.

My first career was in the Royal Army Medical Corps, where I served for 24 years from the age of 16. While in service in London (36 years of age then), a colleague, a fellow soldier, invited me to church. It was a meeting of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International (FGB). I heard the gospel for the first time, prayed a ‘sinner’s prayer’ and invited Jesus into my life to be my Lord and Saviour.

My life changed from that very moment. Foul language from my mouth was no more. I was acutely aware of my sin and immediately set about changing my lifestyle. Don’t misunderstand me – I not saying that I’m perfect. God is still working on me every day of my life, but my attitude and my approach to life are incredibly different now.

Motorcycle Community Chaplain Calling 

In 2015, at the age of 64 years, I started learning to ride a motorcycle. Now, biking has me hooked. My hope and dream are to become a Chaplain to the motorcycle communities here in the Duchy of Cornwall. The biking community is extraordinary, as all who ride are aware of how vulnerable we are. There is much need for somebody to draw alongside fellow bikers, be a listening ear, and conduct marriages and funerals. Lord, use me if you will!

As I am now retired, and my income is low, training with CLI enables me to train without any financial obstacle. However, praise God, I am currently able to make a monthly payment to CLI as a Vision Partner. Having the opportunity to train in ministry without going into debt is essential for me. Thank you, CLI. Thank you, Lord!

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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