Missionary Call

Missionary Call

I am Arcturus Sarabia and I have a missionary call on my life. I am originally from the Philippines. I currently live in Taoyuan, Taiwan. I was raised in a Christian family and attended Sunday school, youth camps, and YWAM (Youth With A Mission) camps. I am a civil engineer by profession, graduated in 2002. My life changed in and after university. I began to walk away from God, had been in a wrong relationship, and was addicted to alcohol and pornography. But God changed my life! In 2005, I was at my lowest and God spoke to me clearly. I decided to join YWAM’s Discipleship Training School. Then everything–my life and plans–changed. I became a YWAM full-time missionary in the Philippines for almost 10 years. I met a Taiwanese girl in Cambodia serving in YWAM and she became my wife. Now my wife and I are both missionaries of Youth With A Mission here in Taiwan.

Our missionary call is to see the Great Commission fulfilled in the lives of the people of Taiwan. It is also to see all people groups love and worship the one true God Jesus Christ; to see Christians rise up, take their authority, and go make disciples. Our heart is to see indigenous tribes of Taiwan take pride in their cultural heritage and use it in fulfilling the Great Commission. We also have a heart for the lost in Indochina Cambodia, where we are also praying to go in the future. Mission work is our life, and love for Jesus is what prompts us to pursue ministry. Jesus is worthy: worthy of our time, our lives and our everything.

Having this scholarship with Christian Leaders Institute is really important to me in my missionary call. I cannot afford a tuition fee, which is far beyond our monthly support. I also don’t have the money or the time to go to a physical school, which would mean dropping all the ministries we do here in Taiwan. I looked online for online schools that offer what you offer, but I found none. Pray that I can endure the hardship of studying faithfully and doing our ministry here at the same time.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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