Mission Pakistan – Training the Persectuted
Mission Pakistan – While Christians celebrate Christmas every December 25, believers in Christ living in Pakistan face persecution or discrimination. Mission Pakistan must thrive with little direct mission support from outside believers. The Pakistani government frowns on outside help for the church. Still Christian Leaders Institute is able to bring advance training to indigenous missionaries.
Mission Pakistan needs your support and prayers! The German news organization DW reported on December 25, 2012, “But for Christians in Pakistan, who live under constant fear of persecution by the state and majority Sunni Muslims, there is not much to celebrate. Christians make up about two percent of the 180 million people living in Pakistan. Rights organizations say that like any other religious minority, they face legal and cultural discrimination in the Islamic Republic.” See whole story
Mission Pakistan – One Hundred and Sixty Students Enrolled At CLI
Christian Leaders Institute welcomed 160 new students over the last 2 years. Many of them are progressing toward advanced standing at CLI. Some of these students are already established Christian leaders who desperately need advanced ministry training which will greatly assist them in bringing the gospel to Pakistan.
One of these mission Pakistan leader is Parvaiz Alam. Parvaiz is a businessman who runs an orphanage. He writes, “I am professionally an accountant but also working as an evangelist as an outreach preacher, I have five brothers & sisters. I am also running a ministry organization called “Community Care of Pakistan (CCP)” which is doing work for the needy, poor & deprived Christian community of Pakistan in the field of education. Women empowerment, health, outreach preaching, orphanage etc.” This mission Pakistan leader is being used powerfully by God.
At Christmas this year, Community Care of Pakistan gave gifts to needy children. This bi-vocational Christian leader runs this mission Pakistan ministry with very little foreign support. He studies at Christian Leaders Institute so that he will have the training to effectively lead his team of fellow lay leaders. He stated the reason for studying at CLI. “CLI training and scholarship is very important for me and for my organization, because, when I am trained and equipped, my team will be equipped with the Word of God and then we can change others. Its very important in our outreach preaching.” Christian Leaders Institute brings high quality ministry training to help this bi-vocational leader reach people with the gospel.
Mission Pakistan has many Bi-vocational Leaders Ready to be Trained and Mobilized
Meet another Pakistan leader named, Suleman Masih Gill. “I am 53 years old from Faisalabad, Pakistan. I have been running an advertising agency (Intermedia Communication) on my own and have worked in Pakistan General Insurance Company Limited as a manager. I am married to Shaheen Gill and have one daughter Lisa, 21.
My grandfather was a strong believer of the Sikh faith and his intention for my father was that he would serve the Sikh religion. My father accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior and served a church mission society as a lay leader rather than following his forefather’s doctrine for the rest of his life. We were six brothers, but four have passed away. I am the youngest and I have one sister. We were a nominal Christian family that used to go to church every Christmas and Easter day only. I had never wanted to be a pastor. I had sickness of pain in my chest, but one day it was so severe that I could not stand it at all. I do not know why, but I cried to the Lord Jesus to please heal me of this pain since I would not go to any doctor to consult about my sickness. Thank God, he replied to me with his voice “Suleman you are very far from me, you need to come to me.” To make a long story short, I surrendered myself to Jesus Christ, and made a confession of my sins. Praise the Lord He healed me of my pain and I do not have any sickness in my body so far.”
God has a plan for Mission Pakistan.
“Now God is using me for his glory for deliverance of captives of demon, healing of sickness and preaching of his Good News. I want to reach the unreached since in Pakistan there are many areas where people live in poverty and destitute conditions waiting for men of God to evangelize and disciple them .”
“Of course it is unbelievable for me to be enrolled at CLI, for I have never been or even thought that one day I would get training in an institution like CLI. A scholarship to CLI can be of great significance for equipping me with the word of God and fulfilling my vision to reach the unreached with the gospel and to work with youth who need to learn the Word of God.”
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