mission field


My name is Harry Jonathan Gene Hersey Jr. and I was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio in the United States of America. I was raised in a baptist church (Saint Paul’s Church of God in Christ) with my grandma and found God’s presence there throughout my life. I became older entering my teenage years and was always helping people, giving, and having respect for my elders as well and was well mannered. I always had a sense to experience more in life. So my grandma passed and I never really had a father figure I kinda strayed away into the world to see what it had to offer.

There was ups and downs and encounters with the trials of life. Best friends and bad influences as well but in the outline of my heart God was there. My pastor passed as well and I felt alone so I had no Godly counsel in my life so it wasn’t important to me. I attended job corp. in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1999 and graduated from there in February 2000 when I was 17 but I had a true encounter with the Holy Spirit. There was five of us in a music room having service and they asked me if I wanted to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I did. Minutes later in an uproar of prayer and worship, the Spirit of the LORD fell upon me and I began to speak in tongues (I’m not sure if its a different language of any nationality) but the flood gates were flowing! My eyes were open and it seemed like I was looking out of a brand new pair of eyes! Literally! So when I went home I wasn’t prepared for the persecutions ahead so I fell..but Jesus was still watching over me.

I moved to Phoenix, Arizona in 2012 and it was kinda rough at first due to adjustments with moving. But it was home. My wife found God first and I was seeing what the world had to offer me at the time and she split. So after being homeless she called my safe link minute phone and told me she was in church now and if I wanted to work it out with her I must go to church and get my life right. So I went (thinking of personal gain) and what I truly gained was forgiveness of my sins and introduction to the Savior of all mankind Jesus Christ and the master of the universe our Father our LORD God!

I’ve been going steady for a year and 3 months now and it’s a Pentecostal church. So I’m in the mission field of outreaching, Street Preaching, and sharing testimonies. But what the Father has put in my heart is to tell the world that there is hope! And there is freedom and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. And that God wants to have a relationship with us. He created us fearfully and wonderfully! And there is a place of rest and pure joy with God with Jesus in heaven and the only thing that comes between our relationship is sin! The enemy against God and we must be cleansed of it. And Jesus is the only way that can do that and has done that for us. All we have to do is accept him as our Lord and Savior! And I say to all of God’s creation…there is hope in Jesus! God bless!

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