Mission Ethiopia: Messay Fantahun
Mission Ethiopia – There was a famine in Ethiopia in the last two decades. News Agencies reported on famine and mass starvation in Ethiopia. In this 2004 article, One New Agency reported,
“The symptoms are severely wasted or marasmic children with oedema or swelling of both feet caused by fluid and sodium retention. This is also called oedematous malnutrition or kwashiorkor, the survey said.
The survey showed 26 nutrition areas in Ethiopia where children with severe acute malnutrition could die. They would die if they did not receive medical support like antibiotics and enriched foods for feeding.
The stunting rate among Ethiopia’s 12 million children under five years is 52%. This indicates poor nutrition over an long period, according to Unicef.”
Messay Fantahun was around 10 years old when severe famine struck Ethiopia. Messay had no idea about mission Ethiopia. But God was working in his life and getting him ready. Check out his story,
“I am from Ethiopia, My name is Messay. I am pleased for the privilege to study the word of God online. When I was 10 years old I heard the message that Jesus loves me and wanted to love him as well. I accepted Jesus as personal savior and Lord.”
At this young age leaders involved in mission Ethiopia where sharing the gospel to Messay and meeting his needs. Now years later Messay is helping children like he was helped years earlier, Messey says, “I’m involved in children ministry for more than 10 years. My vision is to serve orphans in a holistic ministry in future and would like CLI pray about it for wisdom and God’s provision to reach those orphans in both physical needs and spiritual needs as well.” Like he was reached when his was ten, this CLI graduate of the Christian Basics diploma is now a missionary to his own people. He has been sent be God for mission Ethiopia.
Mission Ethiopia Needs Trained Ministry Leaders
Messay needs the advanced ministry training because he is ministering to the spiritual needs of those he is now reaching. Messay communicates, “In This program will give me more biblical insight and understanding of the word of God. Knowing the word of God is my always desire and I’m always eager to know His word and to equip my self, and to use it for the expansion of His kingdom.”
Messay has finished the Christian Basics Certificate. He continues to pursue Mission Ethiopia thanks to generous donors of Christian Leaders Institute.