Ministry Women

Ministry Women

My name is Christina, and I am from the state of Florida in the USA. The Lord called my name in 2012 and since that day of sweet surrender, my life has not been the same. I would love to say that it has all been roses and mountain top experiences but that would be dishonest. Truth is, I have experienced many trying times spiritually since saying “yes” to our Lord. However, the trying times have built me up stronger than ever before. In fact, it has been the time in the valley that has led me to know God for who He truly is; which is a defender, comfort, peace, and Father, among other characteristics. The valley times have also left me with a greater sense of purpose and calling for His kingdom as I join the army of ministry women serving Him. My past now has reason and design. And the freedom that I’ve experienced and continue to live in can be used by God to aid me in my ministry call to inspire and propel other women on their journey forward! This is my ministry women dream to reach out to other hurting women and families who don’t know God’s great gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Finishing the Getting Started class and the Christian Basics class with Christian Leaders Institute has opened a pathway for me to receive structure and knowledge useful to deepening my relationship with the Lord. It has also given me a firm foundation for the family ministry vision I have received. I am excited to continue on in this journey of learning and preparation for my ministry in God’s kingdom. Christian Leaders Institute is a great blessing; truly a gift that will keep on giving.

Learn more about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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