Ministry Woman Story

Ministry Woman Story

I am Laura Terrazas. I am so grateful to Christian Leaders Institute for this scholarship for free ministry training online. I have been serving and walking with the Lord for several years now, and have found myself in constant women’s ministry roles. I have also been leading several studies and I started a homeless ministry a few years ago. My church is so amazing and has been very supportive in my ministries. My church has also been formative in my ministry woman story. Because I work with women so much, I felt that getting ordained and receiving an education was definitely what the Lord was calling me to do.

I grew up in a family that was fractured and torn apart from the start. So in adulthood, I have had to overcome many challenges in my life including a very low opinion of myself. But through finding my identity in Christ alone, I have grown immensely. I sometimes still doubt my abilities, but I have to always remind myself that I can do nothing without Him and that all things are through Him. As I share my ministry woman story, I never in a million years thought I would lead a homeless ministry, teach and mentor other women, or be of any real use to God in this life. Completing my education at Christian Leaders Institute has been invaluable to me. It has also been a blessing in my ministries. I have grown very much in the past year of taking class by class. I am truly impressed by the teachers, the assignments, and the classes, and I feel far better equipped to do what the Lord has called me to do. Thank you so much, Christian Leaders Institute!

To learn more about Minister Ordination and Local Ecuministry Ordination, check out Christian Leaders Alliance.

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