Ministry Training for Romania -Teisanu Gabriel Petrica Graduates

Ministry Training for Romania

Christian Leaders Institute offers ministry training for Romanians who speak English, and many of them do. This country is a hot spot for revival right now. The pentecostal and Baptist faiths are spreading quickly all across Romania. As a result there are many new leaders who are earnestly seeking quality ministry training for Romania. Some of these leaders have found their way to Christian Leaders Institute.

One such leader is Gabriel from Ovidiu, Romania. He has accessed this ministry training for Romania and is pursuing advanced studies. Here is his story,

I’m Gabriel from Ovidiu, a small town of 13,000 people in the Constanta district of Romania, Europe. I came to Jesus in 2007 and I got baptized in March of 2008. I am married with no children.

This is my story. I came from a worldly background.  Although my mother was born a baptist she never practiced her faith and married a non Christian.

I was born in 1984 under a communist regime and witnessed the fall of communism and then the fall of my countrymen after that. I got baptized in a Baptist church and am now the manager of the local Pentecostal Church in Romania.

I am baptized in the Holy Spirit. For three years I was a youth leader and now with God’s help I occasionally preach. I’m not perfect but I hope God will transform me to be more like Him. My goal is to learn more than I know now so that God can use me as He pleases. In the picture below I’m the one on the right, my wife is on the left and my mentors from my early years are in the middle. God bless them.

Romania is ripe for the Gospel to be proclaimed. This is a land of contrasts. This former communist country is now an open door for the gospel so CLI will continue to offer high quality ministry training for Romania and those God is calling to lead this revival!


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