Ministry Training Journey

Ministry Training Journey

My name is Karen Eveland and I am on a ministry training journey. I live in San Antonio, Texas, United States. I came to know the Lord when I was very young but I don’t remember much about that experience. I grew up in church and really thought I understood Christianity. I wandered far from my faith and even became an atheist. My life became hopeless and miserable. I cried out to God daily (and nightly) for the course of about one year. I begged God to remove the sin in my life and relieve my misery. I hung onto some very selfish and prideful ideas during that time. Eventually, the pain and hopelessness of it all broke me completely. I surrendered completely. The only idea I hung onto was that my God was my only hope. I sought Him with all my heart and I continue to do this today. The more I learn the more I love Him and the more I love Him the more I want to learn.

My ministry dream is still taking shape. I currently work in case management. I have already learned some basic core concepts from Christian Leaders Institute. I love to share what I have learned with others. I don’t know where God is taking me, but I am anxious to learn more and be His servant. I identify with a small group leader most. I believe that I am at my best when I can talk personally with people one on one. I am currently the Women’s Mission’s leader at my church. At the present time, the money that I earn from my work is returned to the Lord and spent on helping my children and helping others. There is no money left to designate for school so the scholarship would cover learning without giving up or reducing expenditures for those areas. Please pray that God would anoint me to do His will as He sees fit.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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