Ministry Training Guidance

Ministry Training Guidance

Hello! My name is Nickie Burr, and I am seeking ministry training guidance at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in a small town in the state of Arkansas, in the USA, population just over one hundred. In 1996, both my husband and I received Christ as our personal Savior at the age of thirty-six. We have been serving in our local church in a variety of positions ever since. Up until May of 2018, I had served as a full-time volunteer elementary school supervisor in our little church school for thirteen years.

Since the closing of our Christian school, I have been seeking the Lord as to what His plans are for my future. At this time, I am still somewhat unsure. So, I am trying to take care not to fill my days with too much nonsense and drown out His still small voice when the direction comes. I do believe that the Lord has been leading me into small group leadership. Through this work, I can help the hurting women come to know God’s forgiveness and hope for the future. I hope to do this by sharing God’s love through Christ’s death and resurrection with them. There is a special burden on my heart for women suffering silently in the aftermath of abortion.

I desire the assurance that I will be leading in the absolute truth of God’s Word. I believe that the opportunities available through the Christian Leaders Institute will be a stepping stone to that end. At the age of fifty-nine, returning to school has been hard. However, I am willing to give it my best effort with the Lord’s help, of course. Blessings on all of you at CLI for all you do to minister to those of us with a desire to be used of God to minister. Thank you, CLI, for this opportunity!

Learn about women’s ministry ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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