Ministry Testimony

Ministry Testimony

Hey! I’m Justin and this is my ministry testimony. A quick overview of my walk with God. When I was younger, I didn’t come from the wealthiest family. So my grandmother would “kidnap” me on the weekends, pretty much my whole childhood. She would take me to church for worship service on Friday night and then back every Sunday for mass. In my teen years, she moved to Florida and I fell away from my faith to fit into the high school crowd. After high school, I joined the military and went straight to Iraq.

When I came home from Iraq, I developed a substance-abuse problem. This brought arrests, depression and suicidal thoughts, isolating, etc. Then one day, my childhood best friend that I had lost touch with got in contact with me and suggested I go to his parent’s church. So I went and finally surrendered my life at the altar and was baptized. The change was not overnight, but slowly things began to get better. Don’t get me wrong, there are still ups and downs, but I know God is with me.

I then started getting into apologetics and helping other people overcome similar issues I went through with God. Planting seeds for my Lord in others lives! As I was growing closer to God, everything started getting worse. After every new tough and dramatic situation I’d go through, I would cling to God. Once the storm settles, a Christian encourager comes in and has the most sound advice to give clarity to my situation. Lately, the advice has been the ministry. The last hard and emotional situation I went through, after clinging to God for dear life, an elder from an old church I used to go to got in touch with me randomly. I never told him my situation to get my mind off of it, we just talked about everything else. Finally, he suggested Christian Leaders Institute! So here I am, ready to learn and grow in the Lord!

Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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