Ministry School Study

Free Ministry School Study at CLI

My name is Matthew Faure, and I am excited about the free ministry school study at CLI. I live in South Africa. I grew up in a very religious household but always felt rejected from a very young age since I was 7 1/2 months old when my mother left. My father and grandmother raised my brother and me, and we went to church every Sunday. When we moved to Graaf Reinet, my father started a home church. We relocated quite often, which left me without a sense of belonging.

Being born blind in one eye came with its own set of challenges. I had to start wearing glasses at a very young age. That meant that other kids teased me a lot, which only added to my sense of rejection. Even though I heard of the love of God from a young age, I didn’t understand it until I was well into adulthood. In 1992, we settled in East London. Even though the next few years were quiet, I could never shake that insecurity from years of rejection.

My Marriage, Loss, and New Life

In 2002, I met the life of my life, and a year later, we were married. My wife was deeply religious, and we attended church together, prayed every morning and night, and said grace at every meal. In 2004, our daughter was born. Then in 2014, God called my wife home at the age of 36. My world shattered. I blamed God. I was angry, and for the next year, I wanted to hear nothing about God. However, in hindsight, how I functioned in that year following, is only by the Grace of God because of how lost I was.

Then in 2016, my daughter Ruthie asked me to take her to the church youth group. So, I did. I stayed for the first night, and then returned the next week. Soon I was back in church. I realized what was missing in my life, and that was God. God opened my eyes and my heart. A year later, I became a youth leader for the senior youth.

Called to Ministry and Ministry School Study

After much prayer, fasting, and time in His Word, God has called me into the ministry. Through God’s work in my life, I’ve come to realize that I am Imago Dei. Created in God’s image and because of His Infinite worth, I am a person of intrinsic value. I never need to feel rejected ever again because of the love he has for me, and he calls me by name to serve him. Just like with Elijah, obedience comes first, and since God called me into the ministry, I will follow and obey.

I looked for a free ministry school study online and found the Christian Leaders Institute. I’m excited to learn more at CLI as I prepare for the ministry! Because He lives, I also live!

Learn about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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