Ministry Preparedness With CLI- Free Online Training

My experience at Christian Leaders Institute has been nothing short of amazing. So many great classes. I’ve learned so much and continue to learn! Having ministry preparedness will help me in my future outreach media ministry and the ministries I’m serving in today by giving me the tools to further serve God in His purpose for my life. This training in ministry preparedness has already immensely helped me prepare for future ministry by giving me the resources and tools I need to be a part of ministry; attitude checks, understanding God and His Word more, and learning the history behind everything.

My name is Jessica Noelle Wright, Although I am known by my middle name, Noelle. I live in the United States of America and grew up knowing about God, but not really having a relationship until later in my life. Since then, God has done a great work. It’s somewhat difficult doing ministry in the USA. A lot of people aren’t as open to the Word, however, that doesn’t stop God from moving!

I feel that I most identify with Evangelist. God is constantly working and improving/helping me improve my gifts and talents for the different ministries I’m serving in and future ministries. Currently, God has helped my photography to the point of being able to be a part of the Church’s Photography Team, and use my photography to raise money for events in the future. My social skills have also been improved and I’ve been volunteering in the Preschool Kids Ministry in my church. It’s an absolute joy to help children learn about God and Jesus.

I wouldn’t say there’s anything really ‘unique’, however, there are a lot of people who have in my area problems with drugs currently or in the past, at least in my community. I’ve known people who have gone through this, and God has brought them out of it and given them a strong testimony to help evangelize to others who are in similar situations. It’s a struggle, but nothing is too hard for God.

My Local Church has supported my ministry calling by allowing me to gain experience in the ministry areas I feel most called to (Media/Photography & Children’s) by giving me the chance to volunteer while being under guidance of more experienced church members.
I’d like to share a little about Photography/Media Ministry; in a world where people are extremely visual, I feel giving them something to connect to (photography/media) is a better chance to help them understand God, while also giving them a chance to really connect and understand the people to better evangelize to them.

Please pray that God reveals in His time all that He wants me to do, and serve in, and to help keep me in check and to be compassionate and loving like Jesus at all times.

Ministry Preparedness With Free Online Classes

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