Ministry Passion

Ministry Passion – The Next Step for Christine Bierma

My name is Christine Bierma and I live in New Lenox, Illinois, USA. I have known Jesus for as long as I can remember, and I am so thankful to have been raised by believing Christian parents. It has always been clear to me that I am His and He is mine. However, it has not always been clear to me what my path in this world should be. Over the last 20 years, I’ve married my high school sweetheart, Doug. We have raised 4 children, and we have been blessed with a beautiful life both as a family and in the church. And yet, I am continually asking myself, “Lord, what is my purpose? Where is my path?” I have been serving in the church for 25 years. My ministry passion included serving as a worship leader, worship planner, teacher, mentor to young moms and a council member. Those roles in the church have challenged me and shaped me into the woman I am now. God has blessed me with many talents and an unquenchable thirst for His word and service in the church. This thirst comes from the depths of my being: it is this thirst that drives my ministry passion and has brought me here to CLI.

In my search for my ministry passion, purpose and path I’ve spent countless hours on my knees begging God for an answer. Wanting to see the whole plan, I’ve been asking for at least the next step in this journey. I feel compelled to minister to young moms, a group of women who need encouragement, love and need to learn who God is as their Father, their partner in this difficult season and ultimately, their Lord. I also feel compelled to continue with worship planning and leading. When I’m given the honor of planning and leading worship, it is one of the greatest assignments of my life: to usher people into the throne room of the one, true, God. I want to learn more about God and his Word so that I can help direct the people I serve. The more I know Him, the easier it will be to bring people to Him.

A scholarship to CLI would mean that I could take the next step in this ministry passion path God has put me on. Studying in a seminary setting has been a long time dream of mine that has been unattainable because of my role as mother and wife. The ability to study, take quizzes and write papers from my kitchen table is a dream come true. The knowledge I would obtain through this course work, I believe, will help me continue to walk the path of service that God has laid in front of me. Proverbs 3:5-6 sums up why I believe CLI is where I should be right now, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” CLI is my next step of submission.

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