ministry training

Ministry Ordination

Ministry Ordination is important because the ordination sets someone apart who has the calling, training and affirmation to be an agent of the church in a local area. In many places, ministry ordination is not accessible because the cost of the ministry training is so high. At Christian Leaders Institute, there is no cost for the high-quality ministry training. Christian leaders, like Angela Scott-McReynolds, can now pursue their calling. The only cost is a small fee for the official documents, but the course training is free. Each candidate for ministry ordination must have three local endorsers from the candidate’s life and be connected to their local church leaders. Christian Leaders Institute guides the ministry ordination process so that the person is grounded locally.

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My name is Angela Scott-McReynolds, I was born in Buffalo, New York, but currently reside in Chattanooga, TN. I am happily married to a wonderful God- fearing man, and have two wonderful children, a son age 28, and a daughter age 31. I have served in the Army National Guard for six years, been employed as a church secretary for ten years and worked with the airlines for thirteen years (I had to take early retirement due to a merger of the airlines).

I began my faith in the Lord at a very early age but I knew that one day I would be called into the ministry. My spiritual goal is to be an anointed speaker, getting the word of God out to as many individuals as I can. Time is short! Having a scholarship with the Christian Leaders Institute has been a blessing to me. I had been in prayer about this calling and had asked the Lord to make a way for me to be able to study the word of God more and to be able to be ordained. I have a BA degree, but I would be overjoyed to have a degree in the ministry of the Lord. So I had been searching and searching online and praying that the Lord would lead me in the right direction, and, praise Him, He did! With prayer and faith all things are possible in Jesus Name!

As of April 24, 2015, I have successfully completed all of the courses for the Officiant Ordination Program, allowing me to officiate at ceremonies such as marriages, burials, baptisms and other sacred events. Praise the Lord! And He is guiding me and leading me further and further into the ministry!

Christian Leaders Institute is guiding Christian leaders into ministry ordination all over the world. If you sense the calling to be an ordained leader, enroll and start your journey into ministry ordination today.

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