Ministry Leader Journey

Ministry Leader Journey: My Journey into Ministry

My name is Osei Owusu-Ansah Emmanuel, and here is my ministry leader journey. I am from Ghana, West Africa. I was born into a Christian home. But at that time, the zeal in serving God and having reverence for God was not in me very much. I grew up almost abandoning a walk with God. I choose the path of the world from my high school days until I came to the University. Even during the first two years on campus, I was still living in the world. Thanks be to God! He showed me deep love and kindness. God placed a Christian brother in my life who never gave up on me. This brother kept encouraging me and drew me nearer to God.

I finally gave my life to Christ and began loving God all the more. I was involved in almost all the church activities my church offered. The church I joined gave me the best teaching and training to remain in the Lord and grow in Him. I began building a personal relationship with God. I was baptized by the Holy Spirit and received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

God’s Call and Ministry Training at Christian Leaders Institute

On my ministry leader journey, I began hearing and sensing the call of God upon my life for the ministry. Since then I have walked in this call. I rose to become the President of my church fellowship group on the university campus. Now I am taking the free online ministry training classes at Christian Leaders Institute. I am eager to see where God will lead me in my ministry work for Him. Thank you, Christian Leaders Institute for this wonderful opportunity!

Learn about minister ordination options at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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