Ministry Leader Call

Ministry Leader Call

My name is Michael Omole and I have a ministry leader call in my life. I am the youngest of six. I was born in 1966. I am a British citizen of Nigerian descent. I live in the Republic of Ireland. I am married with children. I was born into a Christian family. I was made aware of who I am in our Lord Jesus Christ from an early age by my mother. But, of course, I was not interested and also not interested in going to church until much later on in my life. I rededicated my life and accepted Christ as my Lord and Saviour over 20 years ago. Since then, I have known that my walk with the Lord is to lead and win souls for His glory. I have been a cell leader in my church and a church governor, also a leader of the intercessory prayer warriors. I currently also teach Sunday School. I recently moved to Ireland from England. Prior to this, I also served as a leader in my church in London, England. I worked professionally until June of 2017 for a local government as a Housing Manager assisting people that were faced with homelessness and the threat of it, by providing them with solutions to their homelessness.

I would love to know more about the Lord and be able to fulfill my ministry leader call by equipping myself with more knowledge of Him. I am not an ordained pastor but I do preach the word of God in my church both in England and in my local chapter here in the Republic of Ireland, whenever I am required to do so.

Having a scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute will surely assist me in fulfilling my call and yearning to do more for the Lord. I will be leading evangelism from next week in my church, and the Lord is actually revealing more of Himself to me by keeping me busy in His vineyard. This is also a confirmation of the call upon my life. I have tried to avoid the call but that has not gone well and now that I am accepting the call things are getting much better. Although I am currently unemployed, I am taking the opportunity to win souls and search the scriptures. It was through the searching that I discovered CLI. Now that I have accepted the leadership call, I have to equip myself with the journey ahead. I would surely love to plant churches. But most of all, I would like one day to set up a prayer ground or center here in Ireland, where people would come to separate themselves from the distractions of this world to pray, praise and worship the Lord Almighty.

Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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