Javelin Tuivaiave is proof that you don’t have to be a successful careerist in order to serve God as a ministry leader. Her current career as a stay-at-home mom is a great example of how you can be a ministry leader in your own home.

Javelin is currently looking to take on a larger ministry role in her church. Though she doesn’t know yet what exactly her vision is, she would like to be a ministry leader for either the youth or the music ministry. She finds that her God-given gifts fit those roles better than any other.

Loving God and loving people is Christianity broken down into its simplest form, well at least to me it is. My name is Javelin Tuivaiave and I am a stay at home wife and mother to three beautiful children who actively walks in the grace and love of our Father God. I currently reside in the U.S. and having the freedom to minister to all is its biggest upside. If you are strong in your walk with God, planted in a church home, and have the faith and confidence to minister to anyone in the general population you may do so. I am so grateful to have that opportunity in the United States to freely share the love of Jesus to any who are willing to receive.

I am a Pacific Islander, specifically Samoan and in our culture we are taught to love God, pray, and worship from the time we are born, but it was not by choice to plug into Gods word for me during that young age. It was more so an act that was required of me. It was not until I found a church home at Christian Faith Center at the age of 11, where I had confessed and believed in my heart that Jesus died and rose again for me. This was the beginning of my born again Christian walk.

The youth, especially younger children inspire me! They have a consistent passion for life and being able to tap into their passion and give them a glimpse of who God is and can be in their lives at a young age brings me great joy. It is never too early or too late to come to know God, but being able to grasp onto God in our lives from the beginning we have the ability to choose to be used by God from childhood. That is one of my ministry dreams to be able to prepare young children and the youth to love God and share who he is with those who are in the world. I do also believe that praise and worship is one way to open up the hearts of those who are broken or know no other way to communicate with God. Being an individual who loves to sing and worship God I would like to use the talents he has given me to bless His name and those who hear His praises through my voice. Through song I am able to connect to God on a different level and I have a vision that God can use me to lead in my church’s music ministry to reach lost souls.

Small group leader identifies with me most only because when I think of God I think relationship. It is much more attainable for me to build God-centered relationships first within small groups and ultimately those within the small group begin to grow in God and reach out to others. Therefore one small group becomes many small groups, who together can affect change upon multitudes. When I see small group leader it leads me to the scripture, Luke 16:10 “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.” So in turn small group leader reads more like faithfulness towards a smaller population will ultimately lead to God’s glory over an enormous one.

From the time I was saved I always knew God had more for me and my life, but refused to take a step out of my comfort zone to realize the vision God had for me. Stepping out of my comfortable place and beginning to serve in the church as a greeter was the moment I knew I was called to be in the ministry. I was the first face many saw when entering the church and the first experience many first timers would have when coming to the service. Seeing the joy and smiles it brought upon those who came through my door gave me a sense of purpose. It showed me what a simple act of kindness can do, now with the full force of the love of God within me I wanted to do more.

Unfortunately in the region of the United States I reside in it is considered one of the most unchurched parts of the U.S. My state has legalized gay-marriage and the use of medical marijuana. The things of the world are becoming more and more accessible and in the eyes of many acceptable. I want to minister to those, the God way and how He brings out the best versions in all of us.

My church home has given me the opportunity to serve in different places and they are constantly praying over the church population and the ministries within the church. They support those who are called and push those who do not yet see their potential to become a part of ministry. My family keeps me grounded in the ways of God and support the good habits and lifestyle choices I make when glorifying Jesus. My husband is an encourager and pushes me to do my best in all realms and my children hold me accountable for all my actions. All support systems uplift me to be better.

The CLI scholarship means much to me and the ministry dream because it is a resource to sharpen my skills as a leader and gives me the knowledge needed to confidently lead the unsaved to Christ. Whether it be a youth leader or music ministry leader or both the scholarship into CLI will be a constant renewal of God’s word and guide through the teachings offered that will only enhance and enlarge the love I have for God and others.

Please pray that as a potential ministry leader I will be given strength, vision, love, diligence, and the heart to always put God first and that I will lead people to Christ.

If you’re called to be a ministry leader, or if you would like to learn more about the free training that CLI offers to leaders like Javelin, click here to see our courses of study available.

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