Ministry Education Free

Ministry Education Free at CLI

My name is Walter Rudolph “Waldo” Swart, and I’m eighteen years old. I am excited to receive ministry education free at CLI. I was born and raised in Pretoria, South Africa. When I was eleven, we (my parents, brother, sisters, grandpa, and I) moved overseas to Western Australia where my dad found a better job. To live right next to the ocean was exciting. Then, we moved to Melbourne three years later. Living next to the city was also a new and exciting experience for us.

My Childhood Years

Thanks to my family, I have been homeschooled my whole life. I have always been a Christian, so I have always believed in God. I love my family and I love God very much. As a child, Christianity was very basic and simple to understand. However, as I grew into maturity and began my Christian studies (books, homework, Bible reading, etc), I have started to discover the depth of the Word of God and what it means for me.

My Spiritual Dream

I was interested when Pastor Elzinga said that most answers to the spiritual dream question fall under two categories. Those categories are your relationship with God and your relationship with other people. I can see this throughout the Bible. So what is my spiritual dream? I want my relationship with God to become stronger and stronger. My desire is to share what He gives me with everyone else. So my answer would be to serve God because I believe that affects my relationship with people.


For me, the obstacles were about bad characteristics: selfishness, anger, fear, impatience, swearing, passive aggression, and doubt. These obstacles probably don’t look big. But, as I began my recent Christian studies, I realized the negative impact it had on my life. I was shown how to let it go. I learned how to become a more patient, sharing, and compassionate person. Thankfully, God’s grace has changed me.

Why I Need Jesus

When I think about beliefs other than Christianity, I can’t imagine what it would be like to live without Him. Through Jesus Christ, I have the strength and guidance to live a good life. I have the humility to say when I need help. The Holy Spirit shows me what is good and bad, and I have the belief that I’m saved by His amazing grace. For me, this is what grace is: to receive His promise of everlasting life and to submit my life to Him. Grace is believing that no matter who you are and what you’ve done, you are still loved. What is this love? Jesus knew everything that would happen to Him, knew He had the power to walk away, saw us and chose to die for us!

What Christian Leaders Institute Means To Me

My previous Christian studies, both in school level and after-school studies, mean very much to me as a Christian. Not only did I discover so much about the Word of God, but I also discovered so much about myself. So, when we recently found the Christian Leaders Institute, which is going great right here where I am, we were really happy. My heart just warms every time I see or hear about someone who receives God and says so without shame or fear. For people to receive God in their lives, to love, honor and serve Him, and to believe that they are saved through grace is the most necessary thing in the world. Ministry education free at Christian Leaders Institute which inspires people to answer God’s call serves to inspire me to do the same.

Ministry education free at Christian Leaders Institute to train strong and inspiring Christian leaders is a blessing to me. I hope that my time studying with the Christian Leaders Institute will enable me to become a strong Christian leader. I believe through many God-incidences that this is where God wants me to be!

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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