Ministry Dreams- A Biker’s New Mission

Ministry Knows No Bounds As One Ireland CLI Student Found Out

Hi I am John Corcoran and I am Irish and currently living here in Ireland. I am 52 years of age. I am blessed to be married to my wife Karen for 30 Years. We have been blessed with four sons. Our oldest son is a Pastor here in Ireland and our youngest son is currently studying to go into ministry as a Pastor. Our other two sons, one living and working in Canada and the other is in college.

I was saved by the Grace of God 10 years ago. My background is Military Special Forces and Motorcycle Clubs. At that time I had seen no need for God in my life I did not recognize His relevance. I was born and raised a Catholic, but I did not know Jesus or understood the Gospel story so I never bothered with the Bible. Through a series of bad lifestyle choices and falling on hard times as a result, I started to question the meaning of my life. At this stage, my oldest son had become born again with a new Spirit and a follower of Jesus. He regularly shared Jesus with me, the love Jesus had for me. But my heart was hard and I was not interested. Shortly after, I met a Christian biker from a Christian Motorcycle Club. He shared the Gospel story with me also. I was tormented in my mind. What was I to do if this was true and there was a God who loved me and gave His Son for me?

Ten years ago as a broken man, I surrendered to Christ, His way, not mine. The sense of freedom and joy at being forgiven and the hope for my future just floored me. I am humbled to say that I am still a pilgrim on a journey of faith and by the Grace of God, a follower of Jesus today. I have spent the past 6 years working with people in addiction, the homeless, those in prison, and people in the Motorcycle sub -culture in my country. This is part of my ministry dream. Another section of that dream is to teach and preach the Gospel story and to learn to rightly divide the Word of God as is spoken by Paul to Timothy.

I see myself as many things but after submitting to God in prayer and a time of revelation from the Holy Spirit, I believe in my heart that part of God’s plan for my life is to serve His people in the role of a Pastor. Thankfully this has also been recognized by my wife Karen, my Pastor, and close Christian friends. I have been prompted to give my life to ministry due to the freedom that I received when Christ came into my life. I was set free, out of bondage to drugs, and the worldview and standards of this world. I want to be available to Christ for Him to work through me and lead others to that freedom ( Isaiah 61), to set the captives free.

I have been blessed to have the support of my Church in starting my studies with CLI and also my Pastor, who is my Mentor and His Wife who is also studying with CLI. It was my Pastor’s wife that recommended Christian Leaders Institute to me. So you see, CLI is very important to my ministry dream. I want to learn to rightly divide and teach and preach the Word of God. I am starting a new course with CLI today in order to advance that dream. Please could I request you to pray for me, my family, and my Church here in Ireland as we step out in faith to answer the call of God and for all in CLI for affording me this once in a lifetime opportunity.

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