Ministry Dream Journey

Ministry Dream Journey

My name is Josh McMillen. I live with my wife, son, and daughter in Missouri, in the United States. Right now, I am the youth leader in my church. I have been given a ministry dream journey as I am called to be a pastor. At 15 years old, I attended a play called “Heaven’s Gates, Hell’s Flames”. I went several times, but the last time was one I will always remember. I felt the Holy Spirit call me to the front and I prayed that my heart would be opened to Him. I got off the path as I got older, but my family helped me to return to church. They have since encouraged me in this ministry dream journey toward leading a ministry and encouraged me as I received my calling.

Although my ministry dream journey has been full of positives, some challenges we face are getting youth to and from church, bringing family members to church, and getting some family members to accept my calling. It is God’s calling to pursue the ministry and the ones who know about it have been nothing but supportive and encouraging. Only a few in my church know right now, but the ones who do know have encouraged me to speak more in front of the church and they respect me as a leader in general. I started as a youth leader, where I am now, and can’t wait to continue on this ministry dream journey toward becoming a full pastor. As far as my youth group goes, they are like sponges and take what I teach and use it in real-world experiences. I am excited to see that they use Jesus Christ as their leader in everyday life and witness to others through him.

With the help of these classes, following with the assignments has helped me to follow a plan in my Bible. It helps me further my knowledge in those areas as well as studying in other chapters and gaining insight. These classes have helped me develop my ministry dream which would be to one day become a pastor at a church and be able to share the Lord Jesus with the lost people I come across. It is also my dream to help people further their knowledge of the Lord and the Bible and to help them fulfill their mission for God. The financial help from the scholarship available would be a blessing for my family to pursue this dream and allow me to further my knowledge in the areas I lack. I welcome any and all prayers for my ministry dream journey from here on out, including prayers for strength and guidance through the Lord to lead me along the path He wants me to be on. I pray the same for all of you as you pursue your ministry dream journey.

Check out Minister Ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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