ministry classes

“I know that God has led me to CLI’s ministry classes to increase my understanding and to also mentor one of our members who is participating in the online ministry classes. I believe God will use the ministry classes at CLI to help me grow in knowledge and wisdom, and to be better equipped for the calling He has on my life. I believe God has opened up my schedule and provided this free learning tool, at this specific time in my life and I am very grateful to Him and to CLI, for this opportunity. I loved going through the Christian Basics Class and look forward to taking the advanced ministry classes as well.”     – Carol Mora, student of CLI

My name is Carol Mora and I live in Zephyrhills, Florida. I currently pastor a church alongside my husband. It is my pleasure to share with you, who I am and what Jesus Christ has done in my life, and what He continues to do. I was born in Georgia, then moved to California and lived there till the age of nine, when we moved overseas to the Marshall Islands. It was there that I met Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, at the age of twelve. I was on fire for the Lord at a very young age and attended adult Bible studies and prayer meetings. I loved the Lord and was not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. At the age of fifteen however, I allowed compromise to come in, which altered the direction of my life for the next thirteen years.

During that time I got married and had two wonderful children. When my son was seven and my daughter was two, someone invited him to be in the Christmas play at their church. This was a turning point in my life.  I went back to my Lord and Savior, and have not strayed from His side since. My life was radically changed at that point, as my values and desires changed towards the Lord. Unfortunately, my husband who was not a believer, left after sixteen years of marriage, and I became a single mom with two children.

During the next thirteen years I grew stronger in the Lord and in the power of His Might. I learned to trust Him and to allow Him to direct my paths. He led me to Bible school for one year while I worked full time in childcare. Then the Lord called me to work for my pastors in their business. I learned a lot from the Lord at that time, and was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel through the church where I attended. Then once again a BIG changed occurred in my life, after five years of employment I was let go from my job. I did not understand why this was happening to me. I was without a job, without a church to go to, and my friends were told not to speak to me. So, I pressed into the Lord. As I look back now, I know it was God closing one door in my life to open up another.

I spent the next nine months allowing God to strengthen me. During the years I was single, I had prayed and believed that God had a godly man for me whom I could minister with. In September of 2008, I took three days off work to be with the Lord and released all of my hurts from the past. I picked up an old broken shell and told the Lord that this is what I felt my life was like, but I would cast it into the sea and start anew with His help. Five days later my life changed forever! I walked into Panera Bread and met my husband whom God had prepared for me, for such a time as this.

He was a pastor at that time and had just been offered a church building to start a new ministry. We knew very quickly that God had put us together and we were married two months later. At our wedding the first thing we chose to do after being pronounced husband and wife was to pray for people as they came forward. We knew God had called us to minister together. Six years later, my husband and I are still pastors of a church in Zephyrhills, FL. We had a thrift store for most of that time but recently had to close it and move the church to a temporary location.

The mandate that God has given us is to worship, restore lives, and win souls. We desire to continue to grow in the Lord and in the calling that He has upon our lives. In the last few years God put a burden for people’s physical needs on our hearts, so we began Hands Helping Hands, which provides a free lunch once a week and a voucher to get free clothes. This is temporarily on hold while we look for a new building. We would ask you to keep this in your prayers and also that God would continue to give direction and provision for our lives and ministry.

 Free Online Ministry Classes

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