Ministry Calling Testimony

Ministry Calling Testimony of Timothy

Each of us has a testimony and a calling. My name is Timothy Muchuku Ng’ang’a, and below is my ministry calling testimony. I am from Nairobi, Kenya. I am an entrepreneur in the field of electrical/electronics, but above all, Jesus is my Lord and personal Savior. To be used of God as a Christian leader is very a high priority in a country like mine.

For example, where I work and live, many people live, unaware of their environment. As part of them, I find myself challenged, advising them, and quoting them scripture they never heard of before. So regularly, as this helps them find identity, I feel comfortable seeing that most of them become content with getting a sense of belonging in this troubled life.

My Younger Years

When I was a child, we lived in three areas near Nairobi. A village within the famous Karura forest, a slum, and a suburb formally occupied by the Asian community during the colonial era.
The slum is where life was most strange, fun, and entertaining. We were unchurched and hung out in our neighborhood. Preachers would come and preach to us. We kids would join in praising, dancing, and clapping our hands.

When we moved into Nairobi, the churches were unfamiliar and seemed strange. We thought they were for unique people who we longed to go in to have fun. But, the fear of getting into a new environment didn’t let us. The church we loved the most was the Catholic one because of the statues. Later, our Dad warned us never to go again into the Catholic Church. When he was a local street and church preacher in the late sixties and early seventies, he learned about idol worship. Therefore, he disapproved of the Catholic Church.

Personal Salvation and Ministry Calling 

We then turned Presbyterian Church of East Africa for a time. Next, we went to the Anglican in our later childhood and youth stages. This church is where we received infant baptism. So we went “back to our roots.” I accepted Christ as my Savior at the age of 12 through my aunt, who visited our home regularly. It was a struggle through primary and secondary school. However, when I got to college, the real change came for me at the various churches I attended. I learned about fasting, prayer, and mission through the fellowships.

Back home on holidays, I started teaching Sunday School and the teens and became an active church youth leader in the remote Nairobi outskirt where our family had migrated during the early eighties. Many youths left the church due to the revival of the 80s. However, some like myself decided to stay on and bring changes which eventually came. I then took a course in evangelism with the “new life ministry .” I also became a licensed service leader through the Anglican system.

Spiritual Dream

My spiritual dream is to live for the Lord, appreciate God’s grace, experience God’s gifts knowing they have a purpose from Him and for Him. In my ministry calling testimony, I tried many things in my life, but all have pointed back to service and scripture. Hence, I want to do to others what has been done to me in a more experienced way. It is a duty that brings real life in Christ. I hate living a lie; it’s filled with struggles over obstacles against which we can not overcome on our own. But when his blood covers us, I’ve come to realize that the progress is excellent. I only need to listen to God and move when and where He says.

I have found that the answers for life come when I seek God and His direction, and I am never going back. More ministry training was what I wanted, but I found no answer nor approval until I found the Christian Leaders Institute online. In my ministry calling testimony, I realized that God led me to this institute for His purpose. Since I study here at CLI, I already feel the warmth and love of God I longed to find. Change and confidence have already begun to take effect in my life. I also believe that, through His sufficient unfailing grace, I’ll get through. I also hope to share what Christ has and is doing in and for me through CLI. May God bless your organization for taking us beyond the limits.

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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