Ministry Calling – God Calls And Equips Operatives

Ministry Calling – Some say that God is done with western counties. I admit that I used to sort of believe that too. But new students at Christian Leaders Institute have inspired me to realize that God is calling people everywhere. Two new students from the last three days illustrate this point. One student races motocross for a living. His name is Michael Thacker from Fort Worth, Texas, USA.  He introduces himself to CLI, “I am married to my wife Selina; we just married last June. Our love for the Lord is great and is the main focus of our house hold.”Ministry Calling

Michael senses the ministry calling and is preparing now to pursue it when he retires from Motor Cross racing.  “My occupation is a professional motocross racer, which I have raced all over the US, Canada, and Europe. This season I am racing for a Christian based team in Canada racing the Canadian MX nationals. My goal and vision is to continue racing for a couple more years and retire into the ministry. I feel called to teach God’s word and to help people have a better and deeper understanding of God’s word and obtain a close, personal walk with the Lord”   Ckick here to check out his website

Ministry Calling for A Single Mom in London, England

Sabina Harmony Oconnor is no ordinary single mom. Her life has never been ordinary. Her story is moving.

“I am a single mum of 3, Harry 11 has cerebral palsy oxygen dependent chronic lungs and in a wheelchair, Mollie 15 has autism, ADHD, PICA PDA and Epilepsy. I also have Jack 18 who is an amazing young man. I went forward at Billy Graham crusade when I was 11, and baptized at 14, but I had a very bad childhood. My parents were not factors. I was  brought up by my best friend’s family who then moved to Oz. Mine is a story of many trials.”

“I am so hungry for God and have a strong ministry calling.  I am letting God guide me in what I should do.  I do not know what that is, so all I can do is get myself ready for my ministry calling. God’s call is sooooooooo strong in me and he is opening so many doors for me to do his work.”

Ministry Calling And A Miracle

Sabrina was blinded by a golf accident nine years ago. She left her home in England to visit dear friends in Australia. Sabrina was searching for God. And God brought her back to faith and gave her a miracle to restore her sight. Watch her story here.Ministry Calling 1

To me every ministry calling is a miracle. God calls leaders and turns their life upside down with an urgency to tell others about Jesus These miracles occur to motocross racers from Texas, single mums from London, village dwellers from Ghana. Those who have this ministry calling are joining God’s kingdom operatives who will not be stopped. Another student called into ministry training shared a story of a prayer overheard last Sunday in his church in Brussels, Belgium. This story illustrates the desperate need for the gospel in our desperate world.

“I like to relate the striking experience in one of my visits, to be precise, a visit to a church in Brussels. I overheard a prayer offered by a girl sitting close to me. She continued and I quote, ‘Dear Lord, I am doing this business(prostitution) against my will. I was brought here to Europe not knowing that I was brought to do this. I am in a cage, trapped because I must pay with my body. This act is against my will, I was only tricked into believing that I would do a legal job and not prostitution. Now I am forced to do it or else my family back home would be made to pay with their lives and I would be in danger of death because of the oaths I have been made to swear to. Now Lord, I need you to save me for I am between the devil and the deep blue sea.” She left sobbing.”

The ministry calling will not be stopped. God’s voice is stirring. CLI will do everything in our power to train as many called leaders as possible!







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