Ministry Calling Adventure

Ministry Calling Adventure

I’m Baffour Appiah – Kubi, known to many as Nana Kwame Appiah. I’m a Ghanaian and currently residing in the Capital town of Ghana, Accra. My life and journey with the Lord Jesus have been an amazing ministry calling adventure.

Early Life

I’m the last born of six siblings although we were initially 8. I didn’t meet two of my siblings as they died before my birth. According to my mother, after giving birth to so many children, she had abnormal pains in her womb. Therefore, she decided to seek prayers from one of the leaders of a Christian movement called New Life Mission, of which she was a member. She requested that God should close her womb so that she would not give birth again after her seventh child.

However, after the leader prayed for her, he gave her a prophetic word. It was that God says she will give birth to yet another child who will continue where she ended with her ministry work. Now, although she received this word, she, however, was not ready for another child in her heart. This prophecy was about two years before my birth.

After a time, she was three months pregnant without taking notice of her body changes because the pains in her womb were excessive. When she went to consult a doctor at the hospital, she learned that she was about three months pregnant. Since the pains in her womb were too much for her to bear, a surgery was conducted on her to resolve the problem. It became a sharp disagreement between the medical staff as to whether to abort the baby or not. The leader of the team stood his ground, and I was not aborted. After some months, she gave birth to me on a Saturday at dawn in November.

The Start of My Ministry Calling Adventure

Having a mother and father who were ministers of the gospel has its advantages. For me, it had the opportunity to travel with them to the villages and towns where they preached. Most often, I got to either sing and play drums or recite some Bible verses. This travel time was my exposure to ministry. I grew up involved in ministry work but was not born again until I was in basic school class two. It was in the third term that I gave my life to the Lord. It was November of 1992, at the full gospel business men’s fellowship one Saturday during a breakfast meeting.

Three months before my conversion, my parents separated, and life became tough for my siblings and I. Along the way, mum quit her job as a teacher, and she gave her whole life to the work of ministry. Hence, money for our basic needs became an issue for us, and it even affected our education. It was around this rough period that I became very conscious of God’s calling in 1996. That year also marks the year I became involved with Christian leadership on my ministry calling adventure. Since then, I worked in Christian leadership and training others. I quit my job, and I gave my time entirely to the work of God.

Study Opportunity on My Ministry Calling Adventure

It all began when I was in my final semester while I pursued a High National Diploma in Marketing at Takoradi Technical University, Ghana, in 2006. I heard God’s voice instructing me to give attention entirely to His work after my National Service. However, because of financial issues, I didn’t obey the voice of God.

So, for seven years, beginning in 2007, after school, I looked for a job to no avail. I also tried getting my first degree outside Ghana, but it didn’t work. All this while, God’s voice was still pursuing me. I wanted to work and do the work of ministry at the same time. But the Lord wanted me to focus only on His work. Finally, in 2013, after another failed attempt to travel outside Ghana to study, I finally gave in.

It has not been easy for me because I had no sponsoring church. I had to rely solely on God for every need. The fantastic thing is that from August 1, 2013, until now I have not looked back. Although the financial challenges are there, God has not left me alone. He always makes way for me.

I joined the Christian Leaders Institute because I want to broaden my view of Christian leadership training. I believe the experience I gain here will impact my ministry and mandate to train and raise other leaders. During and after the training with CLI, I plan to continue with my ministry work.

Learn about ordination options at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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