Ministry Call Education

As Amber-Leah shares her testimony, we see she is not going to let a disability, life’s traumas and terrible experiences stop her from realizing her ministry call education dream.

Ministry Call Education

My name is Amber-Leah Margaret Timmons, and I am receiving my ministry call education at CLI. I am from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Being a Christian leader in my hometown is fascinating. I’m continually learning as I go. I have encountered many people with unique stories and testimonies of their own.

Childhood for me was complicated. I had three separate lives. I had my home life with my family which was very tragically unhealthy to the point where I needed to escape and take one of my sisters into foster care for a couple of years. Then there was my school life where I felt important, intelligent, and I felt like a born leader. Then there was my church life where I felt like an outcast and invisible to other church members. The exceptions were a select few elders who mentored me along the way and offered words of encouragement and weekly prayer. I completed 18 years of Baptist Sunday school education with enough optimism to light the moon in the night sky. While in the study for all those years, I began what would be a lifelong journey to have a fulfilling relationship with Christ. I considered myself devout by age 17 and was baptized in the Baptist church I spent years studying in.

I came to the Lord when I was only five years old after I had been experiencing the love of Jesus in dreams. He held me in his arms and whispered words of love and compassion to me, so I opened my Bible at bedtime one evening and began praying. “God let your light shine upon me. I ask you now to come into my heart.”

My spiritual dream is to be a Pastor of a church. I love the idea of reaching out to others and bringing them to the Lord. I also want to be a Christian Inspirational Life speaker like Joyce Meyer and have a show like Ron and Anne Mainse of ‘A Better Us.’

I fear and regret to say that I have had obstacles facing my maturity as a Christian. I catch myself often complaining of almost everything, and it has caused my reputation to be somewhat negative or at least that is how I view myself. But behold, the Lord says “rejoice!!” And that I will. I will slowly integrate a change in my attitude to correct myself for the future. I want to be my best self! What has humbled me and led me to realize I need Christ in my life is that I have experienced life’s traumas and encountered many setbacks and failures.

I came to know Jesus as my Lord and Saviour in 2012. I was forcibly confined, and I was terrified. I knelt down onto my knees during that time and sobbed my heart out to God. “Please rescue me, Lord! Give me a way out!” And He did. I became free of the shackles of being confined to a basement in my hometown of Kitchener. Surviving this led me to want to experience God in all his glory and to strengthen our relationship. I felt the desire for a ministry call education.

God became all the more real to me the moment I awoke from a C-Section surgery, healthy, alive, breathing and heart beating two and a half years ago. God gave me the miracle I had been waiting for since I was 18, a child.

I want to study the Christian Leaders Institute ministry training because I FEEL CALLED by the Lord. I hope that I can inspire other women never to give up and be a survivor.  I decided on free training because I currently am in debt from a local college. I’m on Ontario Disability Benefits to surviving and am only making less than $200.00 a month as a Private Security Guard. My finances are at their worst right now, but I am desperate for God and learning how to share the word with others.

Learn how you and Amber-Leah can realize the dream of being Ordained at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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