Ministry and Biblical Courses
The Power of First Corinthians 13
My name is Seth Gossar, and I grew up and currently reside in Indiana. My wife of twenty-seven years, Shannon, and I have two wonderful children and a grandson. I am an online student at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about studying the Bible online, Click Here), taking ministry and Biblical courses to prepare for my call to pastor.
My Life
I served in the United States Marine Corps and the Indiana Army National Guard. During my second year in the Marine Corps, I met Shannon while on a recruiter’s assistance assignment in our hometown of Evansville. Now my wife gets embarrassed when I share how we met. However, I remind her that it is part of our story. My fellow Marine David C. and I were cruising down Green River Rd. It was the local cruise strip at that time. We motioned for these two girls to pull over so we could talk with them. It was true love, as Shannon and I married less than six months later. This November, we celebrated twenty-seven years of marital bliss.
When I was discharged from the Marine Corps, I was unsure what to do with my life. I had only served four years and now had a wife and son. It took several attempts at different jobs before I got a job with the local cable company. The pay was not great, and I had to climb telephone poles almost daily, but it was a start and steady. Then, when our local system began to upgrade to fiber optics, I learned to splice fiber cables. Now, I have over twenty-four years in the telecommunications industry.
My Spiritual Journey
In 1982, I was introduced to the church via the bus ministry of Maranatha Baptist Church. My parents enrolled me in their Christian school, and I graduated in 1993. Growing up in an independent hellfire and damnation environment, I made several professions of faith. Yet, I did not realize I had only an intellectual understanding of Jesus Christ.
Over the years, I served in the church under several titles, such as Driver, Captain, Sunday School Teacher, Youth Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Treasurer, and Outreach Ministry Director. However, it was not until March 11, 2012, after hearing a sermon on First Corinthians 13 (a passage I had preached from on several different occasions) that the Holy Spirit brought me under conviction, revealing that my life did not reflect love but the very opposite. There is a much longer story, but I will summarize by saying I had an encounter with Jesus Christ that I am proud to testify changed my life forever.
Finding CLI: Ministry and Biblical Courses Online
I desire to take up the mantle and preach. For God has put a fire in my bones when I remain silent. My vision is to pastor a church that encourages and builds up lives. I want to pastor a church that restores those hurt by legalistic and judgmental people. America needs a pastor who will preach the Word of God without apology and do whatever it takes to see the lost come to repentance. I want to be that Pastor.
So, I want ministry and Biblical courses to prepare me for this calling from God. I found the Christian Leaders Institute and am eager to learn more about God’s Word and being a Pastor.
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The Getting Started Class will orientate you to the Christian Leaders Learning Platform, and the Programs offered, including:
- Minister Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas with the Christian Leaders Institute.
- College Degrees with the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.
- Minister Credentialling (Ordination) with the Christian Leaders Alliance, including local Soul Center registration possibilities.
Note: You can enroll in tuition-free courses or mini-courses immediately without finishing the getting started class.
Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.