Ministry and Bible Courses Online
I am Michelle Murphy. Currently, I am studying ministry and Bible courses online at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about free ministry and Bible courses online, Click Here).
I live in East London, South Africa. South Africa is a beautiful and unique country that is full of diversity and rich cultures. I love my country even though there is much brokenness and a need for restoration. I have a great expectancy and hope in God’s redemption story for this country, for nothing shall be impossible for God.
My Journey
I came to know the Lord at 11 years old at a youth camp, but only really came into a proper and deep relationship with Jesus Christ in my early twenties. As a young girl, I had a pull in my heart to serve God. I felt the desire to do something bigger than myself, but what exactly, I didn’t know. I was a very shy and awkward child. Also, I had low self-esteem and didn’t believe that I could ever do something meaningful.
However, it didn’t change how I felt deep down inside. God sees what we don’t. He knows the plans and purposes He places in our hearts to fulfill His plans. He gives us the desires of our hearts to fulfill His desires. It wasn’t until much later in my life that I discovered my passion for God’s Word. I also discovered the transforming and healing power that scripture brings to mankind. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Wandering and Restoration
As much as I loved the Lord, I walked away from the church and into the world for a period of 9-10 years. This was a great offense to God which separated me from Him. It also became an offense to me through guilt, shame, and pain, which only God could restore. The deep longing in my heart only grew stronger for God. Eventually, by God’s grace, I saw my fallen life and that my sin separated me from God. I could no longer ignore the conviction to get back to God.
I was lost, which brought deep sorrow and remorse because it separated me from God. In God’s great love and mercy, He showed me where I was, the state of my life, and how I needed to choose life over death. I had become an offense to God in my sinful living. Therefore, I needed transformation and reconciliation through Jesus Christ His Son.
At this point, I took responsibility for the state of my life and the mistakes I made. It was the start of my restoration and transformation that only God could bring about. I confessed and turned from my sins, faults, and pride. Then, I asked for God’s forgiveness and received it. I also had to forgive others who had hurt me. And for those I had hurt, I had to forgive myself. It wasn’t easy. There were times when I felt like it was too hard. Yet, I kept choosing Jesus in the Peacefire to get me through and not to partner with the wildfire of lies, pain, bitterness, and shame.
Restoration Brought Transformation
The key experience that God used to bring transformation to my life was the pain and loss I felt from being separated from Him. There was a hole in my heart that only He could fill with His love. Like a child, I needed a home, a place to belong. I was desperate for my relationship to be restored with God.
Only God can restore, heal, and make new what is broken. I experienced that when my relationship with God was restored. God’s redemption story is reconciliation and restoration through the finished work that Jesus Christ did on the cross. His love changed my life 360 degrees. God’s love is immense and He loved me uniquely as He knows each one of us personally. God knew what I needed to come back home.
Ministry Dreams
I am living part of my ministry dream as I run a women’s ministry “Woman at the Well.” My dream has always been to serve the body of Christ. Now, I have the great privilege of living this dream. Another dream that I’m living is taking small groups of ladies on retreats to restore, renew, and reset. I also dream to finish my book on God’s redeeming love and power to save us through His Son Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
Taking Ministry and Bible Courses Online at CLI
The Peacefire Course as CLI made me look at conflict in a different and better light. The light of the Peacefire is not our desire but God’s desire and will for restoration. This class has helped me to look at relationships, restoration, and God’s desire in the Peacefire and not in the wildfire. We can choose peace in the midst of the fire and trust God to bring restoration.
The challenges one could experience in restoring someone back into a community are forgiveness, trust, and acceptance. Also, physical needs like lodging and employment. Restoring relationships and dignity is always God’s desire, which can be challenging if one chooses the wildfire instead of the Peacefire.
My church leaders are very supportive and available for sound counsel as and when needed. Thank you, CLI, for this excellent class.
Steps to Sign Up At Christian Leaders Institute
Step 1 – Register for a free study account that automatically enrolls you in the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2.
After you register, you will automatically be enrolled in the “getting started” course. You will locate the course at your “home” button when logged in. Scroll down to find the Christian Leaders Getting Started Course Part 1 &2 Link. Click the link and open the course.
Step 2 – Complete Part 1 of this course. Then you can enroll in mini-courses or regular courses.
The Christian Leaders Getting Started Class Part 1 shows you how to enroll in courses and mini-courses. Part 2 of the course connects your calling into ministry with programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute. Part 2 will offer some ministry training and introduce you to the other programs offered through Christian Leaders Institute.
Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.