My Spiritual Development

Hello, my name is Laura Sherman. Called to minister to children, I am studying at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about studying the Bible online, Click Here). Here is the story of my spiritual journey.

Born in Cleveland, OH, USA, I am a single mother of five boys. I was about two or three years old the first time I prayed. Hiding in a basket of clothes, I was crying my eyes out. I was crying, begging, and pleading for someone to save me. I was praying for my real Mommy and Daddy to come to get me. Suddenly, I felt a warm calm come over me like I was held. It was the most soothing warm, comforting hold ever in my life. I fell fast asleep into the most beautiful deep sleep.

My Youth

After that, my real Mommy and Daddy never came, but I felt protected and loved somehow. However, I was reminded daily that I was an alien or switched at birth and did not belong. I continued to pray and seek out God through years of abuse. Several times, I tried suicide and finally ran away from home.

On the streets all alone, I refused to ask anyone for anything. Further, I did not even talk to anyone for fear of only being hurt worse. It was just God and me. Whenever I got hungry or thirsty after walking around for days, I prayed and said, “I don’t know how long I can go on. I need to eat and drink something if I stay here. You know I will not ask anybody for anything except you.” Shortly after praying, I would find money on the ground to buy something to eat.

My Foster Home: Coming to Jesus

I was placed in several children’s homes where I still sought out God. I received Bibles from the Gideons and could go to church sometimes. Finally, after a while, I was placed in a foster home. My foster mother, Susan Wotasi, was a beautiful, loving, caring, and kind mother. I referred to her as my “fairy godmother.” To me, she indeed was.

While in her care, she told me about praying and asking Jesus to forgive my sins and be my Lord and Savior. That was a very emotional and beautiful time for me. After that, they baptized me. When I rose from the water, a bright light shone on me. I felt clean and brand new. I can’t fully put this into words. But all the nasty from the bad things that happened, which made me feel dirty, was gone. Again, I wished living in this place and being with my foster mother had lasted longer. However, sadly, it ended.


I went back to the children’s home. While there, I learned that I could get an apartment in a year if I did everything right and continued to get good grades. I received a Bible again from the Gideons who visited. Further, one of the caretakers started taking me to church with her.

Then, I found out my younger sisters, still at home, were in danger. So, at 14 years old, I left the children’s home and walked 15 miles to The Towpath Trail. Then, I walked another 40 miles without stopping until I reached my sisters’ home 12 hours later. Thankfully, my mom and her boyfriend were not there. I helped my sisters get ready for school and sent them off.

However, my mom and my sisters never returned that day. I discovered that the police had arrested my mom. Also, they temporarily placed my sisters with an aunt until they ended up with my fairy godmother, Susan. I still thank God to this day for that! Temporarily stuck at my mom’s, I dropped out of school. I got a full-time work permit and started working immediately and have continued to work since that day.

Struggle and Growth

In my life, anyone or anything I ever loved, moved, died, or seemed to stop loving me overnight. I have been in four long-term relationships. In every relationship, somehow, the devil made his way inside. No matter how hard I prayed, went to church, tried, and hung on tight to the relationship and my family, it wasn’t meant to be. Five different doctors told me I could not have children. God proved that wrong. He blessed me with five handsome, healthy, strong sons.

I heard Jesus speak to me while I was crying and praying. He said, “What are you doing?” Shocked and very weak, I said, “Huh?” He said, “You keep doing all these things to please everyone to get love. You keep looking for love. I am right here. All you need is me.” Somehow, I forgot this message with everyone and everything coming and going in my life and trying to hold on and failing.

Tragedy and Spiritual Growth

This year,2022, I had this awful feeling for about two weeks leading up to the worst day of my life. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but it was going to be bad… Real Bad. All I knew was it would be awful, and I didn’t know if I would be able to deal with it or how. So I stressed about and feared what was to come every day leading up to that day.

Finally, the day came. My car overheated. The police arrested and took away the father of my sons. He was committed and jailed for losing his mind and being violent and abusive toward me. The following day, I found out the motor in my car had blown. So, I could no longer make extra money to pay all the bills. Then, that evening, I found out my second true love (God is my first), my soulmate and best friend, died. A couple of days later, the inspectors called. They let me know they would take me to court and fine me.

My Spiritual Growth Refined

I struggled to heal and felt broken, beaten, and almost defeated. Thankfully, I had gone back to church. During one of the sermons, I remembered the message God spoke to me years ago. It blew me away. While still hurting and struggling with all the loss and uncertainty, God provided everything I needed to survive. I used this healing time to get closer to God, like when I was a little girl. Visions and different thoughts have come to my mind again. I sought a more intimate relationship with God than ever before.

Now, I know my purpose. I am called to minister to children. My life experiences, tragedies, abuse, and loss will not defeat me. God took all the evil and turned it into His glory story.

My Call to Minister to Children Led to Christian Leaders Institute

I searched Christian books to learn something new. Maybe something I didn’t know. In a matter of months, my Godly library has almost 500 books and is still growing. One night, while looking for more books online and with my call to minister to children, the words “children’s ministry” kept repeating. So I searched and found the Christian Leaders Institute. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to receive a free, high-quality education to prepare me for my call to minister to children. To minister to children is something I am incredibly passionate about for God.

God has always been there for me, and I know it. Now, I look forward to seeing how God will take all the pooty in my life and turn it into beauty. I look forward to learning how to comfortably and confidently bring more people to God. My heart skips a beat to think I may be able to help someone who possibly is or has gone through something similar and doesn’t know God or the power of His love.

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The Getting Started Class will orientate you to the Christian Leaders Learning Platform, and the Programs offered, including:

  1. Minister Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas with the Christian Leaders Institute.
  2. College Degrees with the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.
  3. Minister Credentialling (Ordination) with the Christian Leaders Alliance, including local Soul Center registration possibilities. 

Note: You can enroll in tuition-free courses or mini-courses immediately without finishing the getting started class.  

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.